Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Assata Shakur Cuban Surrender

The Assata Shakur Cuban Surrender

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

I finally got some tires for my car, so now I can get around.  The timing always seem to work out.

Raul and Fidel Castro are either turncoats against Satan or Satan’s top henchmen.   Either way for Satan to surrender it must happen there.  If blood hit the streets of New York City, I will wipe them out, nuke Cuba and let the EU decide what they want to do or nuke them to.  I have no more time for you and will not play pretend.

The other option is Cuba must allow Assata Shakur to act as the United States Ambassador and will lead my pet project on that whole Island. We will racially mix all of Cuba and they will know I am God.

The One World Government is Socialism.  How can we compete for my money? Nobody can compete with me at anything.   I will make you want to work, because if you do not work you do not eat.  Our goal is 98% employment until almost death.  No social security.  But working will be joyful and learning experiences.   I will start all white people at 150 years, to complete the process of becoming a black  man who can have the spirit of God.

Things like polygamy must be practiced and family structure.  The Communist idea, which I know really little about, other than it will feed people, my people were the target and it told them I did not exist and you knew I did, at least since 1992 and was looking for me and used them as a means since the 1960’s.  Meaning you was lying and was going to mistreat even worst and for eternity so you ???

So for now on you take orders from the Black Panther Party and the United States Government, by orders of Jesus Christ who you knew existed and mislead my people or cease to exist!

After the 50 years process of re-teaching, anyone with black blood and proof of emancipation can come to the United States with full rights and citizenship.

Fidel and Raul?  I know how Nazi’s do?  So be it!  Go out like Hitler!

Jesus Christ

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