Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The New BET Update

The New BET Update

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

Short and to the point, because I tired of people not doing what I tell and not ask to do.

My Prime Time Lineup: Compete with the prime time like Oprah 3-6 pm.

  • Flo Anthony
  • Wendy Williams
  • Queen Dana

I cannot be sued.

Flo Anthony:

She is struggling, her business shut down and she is reaching out through Twitter.  Just before I went to California, I hypnotized her, Bobby Lee said her eyes were wide open, they were, I remember.  That was the day a decision was made to not harm her, she was spreading lies about Janet and Rene and I ready to go home and had no idea it would 25 years later. He said her husband is one of my men.  Find her and give her a job at BET give her on talk show.  And her and Queen Dana need my pill, it seems someone gave Wendy something.  Give Flo what the order talk host shows gets, plus $2 million. I would not buy a house, because I own all of these buildings in New York City, there are the rooms in my fathers house.
The Flo Anthony Hustle:
I am a veteran Print, TV & radio journalist. My novel Deadly Stuff Players is out Nov. 19, 2013. It's available for pre-order on http://t.co/t5Ne4HvtbX:
Wendy Williams:

I used to say she was a man pretending to be a woman.  I remember how she disappeared when the baby was born in  NYC, due to complications.

I was fucked in the ass to prevent homosexuals from being condemned to death. I am not explaining why, you need to study.

All these civil rights mean nothing to me, my nation NYC is a sovereign nation, you just do not know it yet.  Just like the Pope, I do not answer to any nation, unlike the Pope, he will be my son and answer to me and the Mafia and Jews can claim their property. The Hebrews get the Synagogues and Temples.

If Wendy Williams is transvestite, he will admit it on prime time and I will make him a real man and the dude fucking him will get fucked on You-Tube, for the world to see. I can use his DNA and fix him back, but make him a bitch, because of some ancient mind control Satanic Bullshit. If he wants to be a bitch, I will not continue to lie to my audience and they will know I am God and you an interloper.  Whatever you are must be exposed.  I have to know!

Queen Dana:  Let go of Queen Latifah and honor me.

The Game:

You gave me a fatherless child and a single parent, so a black man can be with a white woman on black television?  No way in hell. This is worth than being Mary Jane.

Write in this ASAP:

He goes home unconditionally and accepts his responsibility to that black woman and child.  This without question, he says nothing back to her on this one.

Here Words: 

"If you want my respect, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."  You have no God in you, you are an evil boy and you need to repent to the Lord, because he is coming or he is already here?  You do not know, because there is not God in you.  And he is not going to let you'll sorry niggers mistreat us anymore.

In an angry voice of authority she says:

"Now get your sorry ass on the coach, because I do not fuck with boys"  God is here and you are wrong and my son can never know the bitch ass nigger you truly are, to leave us for a white Bitch?  Lord have mercy on this man!

White Woman Knocks:

The door knocks, it is the white woman, it gets confrontational and then silent.  The white woman says, I am pregnant!  I have to learn names, because she was on Steve Harvey. She falls to her knees and cries out to the Lord, crying, "Oh, Lord what I am to do?"

The End

They talk together as a group and find a religion that promotes polygamy.  And this will be the first polygamist sitcom in history.

We will setup television studios at our home. W will have a full city block about 50 stores tall. Find our building by claiming shit.

Jesus Christ

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