Sunday, January 18, 2015

Muhammad Ali & the 10% Rule & Prince Paul Freemasons

Muhammad Ali & the 10% Rule & Prince Paul Freemasons

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

Short and to the point.  The settlement was based on me paying the national debt at $15 Trillion, but I stopped counting about 3  or 4 days in at about $20 Trillion.  Why? Because the world is so dark nobody knew me. Therefore we had to take their shit, legally, by beating them at monopoly.  Now that everything is means and not ours you demon worshippers, and therefore your net worth, means your responsibilities to the Universe. We probably will exceed $50 Trillion easy, but the world is broke?  Probably because I have it all.

The goal is for everyone on earth to be worth $100 billion. Once that happens all you can do is charity with your earnings.  This world should be all charity within 1,000 years, before we start deploying out of Pluto, in to other solar ships.  It's a goal?  Charity is love and therefore this will become Planet Peace and Love.

Wal-Mart, Microsoft, Apple and all of you, owe me 10% of your earning, this is called tithes and I will use it to help keep the blessed happy.

In about 1 year, I want P Diddy in Highlands County, the home of the Emancipated Freemasons. I do not need these fools searching for light and all that crazy bullshit. I need you to learn about how to use the media, to our advantage and that is your job. My brother Louis has the Army and I am deciding on my spokesperson.  My choice was Ali, but he is still running around and they are calling him the greatest and the man can barely walk. Sounds like a setup, he cannot possibly be that stupid in that condition. Somebody please cure that man?  I need to hear it from him.  Every time he says, he is the greatest I will make him turn Parkinson all over and over again until he gets it right. I can take your choices from you, you know and maybe I might have to do this with that man.

I cannot do him like Dr. King, he is forgiven!

Jesus Christ

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