Monday, January 19, 2015

Paramount Media Library SNAFU

Paramount Media Library SNAFU

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

The reason a lot of money is about to exchange hands is our media libraries are out of date.  Debra Lee has to handle the executive matters and manage things, but we need people like Louis, Jesse, tell Al to go to my station from MSNBC with his news shows and he starts at $100 Million, from me, he works for me and not Tyler. I handle all by clergy.  He does has shows and go on the other things, which is why he will need this money. And I am paying you all, so you have expense accounts and investment capital to operate. Please do not ask for expense accounts, just give me my 10% at years end.

Once I get a better understanding of our accounting and assets, I will make another settlement.  I Am God and as long as you serve me, even if you look broke you will be the power and all of my men will be $100 Billionaires on earth. Once you reach this, all you can do is charity on earth. But a crazy greedy fool can volunteer to go to Pluto somewhere.  I will make that nut a $200 billion man. And that is those crazy white people. I do not fly, so you know I am not, getting on any tiny ass spacecraft, I will take my changes with "Solar 1 command station earth," until I figure out how to defy gravity and be able to fly and therefore make a safe landing out of the sky without the need of a parachute. I need the EU working on my technology and let my Prince Paul Emancipated Freemasons run the media and expose the truth over a 50 years period.  We can produce diamonds at Apollo Diamonds and we will be using gold circuitry to build out space crafts and high tech computers.  

Debra Lee will not go pass about $3 billion at current set up, my Queen of Queens are starting at $3 billion and I have to cap them. Men rule, but our men are bunch of illiterate people. Therefore my women have to build up these men, so they can someday take charge.  One man to four woman, a $100 billion dollar family plus, each woman has assets of about $10 billion at most.  And for what to buy shoes?  What are they going to buy.  But I have to protect them in case the man loses his mind, so she can take care of herself until correct the problem.

My men will love my woman and I will define it to those who cannot read. My woman will respect and obey my men if that they say is of God and all must love me with all you mind and soul within or you just will not survive and you will hate my world anyway

In 50 years my first sons will be ready for deployment.  Prince Jesus will run the Governance and Prince Paul will make the money in media or Prince Malcolm, Louis will be with us, so he can name his son Louis, will run the Army, who will be known as the Black Panther Party. Please accept me Queen Serena, I do not think there is another woman on earth that con do what I need of you.  I need you and I promise you I will love you for eternity. The Louis can move up again and be with me always, along with John Sr.  Raymond will run Prince Hall under Prince Paul and Prince Jesus needs someone to report to him or create a Matrix. Him and Prince Malcolm, will not let anyone fuck with smart ass Prince Paul, whose job will be to think and fuck, he will be a lover and a thinker, those other two they will be fighters.

All white people have to do is stop lying, it might open new folder. I mean, I told you I fought for my right to sex those who get my seed, they planned to have me make test tube babies all over the place.  I would really love to have my share of eternal white pussy. Lets be real some of those woman are fine and smart. But a good nut is not worth the trouble, they are crazy, if you want to stay on earth as a white person prove to me it is possible to be at peace with your crazy asses. 

The bible says with faith you can receive the spirit, show me white people were just fooled by Satan who was fooled and you can love all people.  All you have to say, is God made Satan and Satan made us do it and you also. Did anyone black believe in him? Stop being afraid of me, because those who fear you will try to destroy you, so I destroy them first to make them stop in their tracks, like I just did you. The EU is a mess now! Admit Israel is a lie and you assisted me in my great workmanship, the creation of gods. Man is just a part of the process and white people should welcome the process.

I do no think white people can get the spirit, but you keep making me fight with you and those are fighting words. What? Am I supposed to be scared? You know you cannot fuck with me, you are just afraid and that is our problem, you have no faith at all.  I told you my heart is Queen Sharon, who seems to be a mulatto?  That doesn't change that Queen Tatyana is my beauty Queen who is darker.

But the white women got jealous and figured I do not love them at all, based on that Satanic shit about separating the races.  Only because they want to stay white. Because once black always black.  Please show me a white person can love God, so I can get me four European Royalty woman and make me some half white babies into the mix and really enjoy saving white race. As of now it is my seed by sex only or nothing.  Why? Because I was deprived most of my life sexually and it is something we all must experience to grow.  That is what life is about, it is the greatest natural pleasure of gods.

We will be traveling for  awhile. So why not enjoy y the ride and get prepared for the unexpected.  Do not be afraid, In the Universal world you have more love, because to get out of the Solar One, look what you had to overcome.

Jesus Christ

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