Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Assata Shakur Verdict and Assignment

The Assata Shakur Verdict and Assignment

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  Tell them we will be waiting for them and come on home!

I have to update my Smooth Gangster Album cover to include our falling hero Malcom.
This is the discovery that brought to our conclusion.  At this time I was not aware of the things I have just shared.  I was able to do this simply because I know who I am and everything that happened in my life, happened for a reason, because my journey was preordained.  Her article was written on 30 Dev. 2014.

This one seems to clarify something.

Meir David Kahane: Prove he is dead.  My fact pattern leads me to believe, he is the man behind both the BPP and JDL, meaning the BGF and the SLA. There is a catch. He claimed to hate the Communist and tell the Jews to play themselves and continue to pretend they are Jews and return to Israel?  Why? He said, when the communist come, they are going to fuck them up?

No!  He was the communist. Because he was an Anti-Christ. Who the fuck is Israel and if the Communist took the United States, who was supposed to protect the Jews under Communist ruler ship? See the twist?

She was deceived as was the Black Panther Party.  This was why they allowed them to grow, the planned their self-destruction as a result of the 1960’s.  But know they know I am the Lord and why they had to die and as a result their children will be great and the bloodline of Malcom is the same bloodline as mine’s and through Ilyasah Shabazz, my niece and daughter of my brother, and brother of Louis and we are the seed of Prophet Elijah who is John the Baptist as written in the bible.  And she is not afraid to die?  I like to see Cuba keep her and Government works for me.  

Give all Black Panther Party Members a Presidential Pardon for overcoming Satan.

Jesus Christ

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