Tuesday, January 6, 2015

FBI Reported Mario Cuomo and Family are Terrorist

FBI Reported Mario Cuomo and Family are Terrorist

Jesus Christ

Chris Cuomo is the one to watch.  According to FBI files he has 156 investigations.  Fact Mario Cuomo is a co-founder of the New Alliance Party. The FBI said they are terrorist and armed and dangerous. They screwed up by endorsing Lenora Fulani posing like they care about black people.  She said, alright, bring in Louis Farrakhan and they could not use her.

Considering the timeline, what was their plans for us? Do you hear Chris Cuomo on CNN?

FBI files:

Andrew Cuomo:
FBI Files:

Christopher Charles: 156 Cases

The New Alliance Party (NAP) was an American political party formed in New York City in 1979. Its immediate precursor was an umbrella organization known as the Labor Community Alliance for Change, whose member groups included the coalition of Grass Roots Women and the New York City Unemployed and Welfare Council. All of these groups were associated with controversial 
psychologist and political activist Fred Newman, whose radical health care collective Centers for Change and Marxist International Workers Party were active in grassroots politics in New York City. The NAP's first chairperson was then-South Bronx City Councilman Gilberto Gerena-Valentin, a veteran Puerto Rican political activist. [1]. The party is notable for getting African American psychologist Lenora Fulani on the ballot in all 50 states during her first Presidential campaign in 1988, making her both the first African-American and woman to do so.

Julius Rosenberg (May 12, 1918 – June 19, 1953) and Ethel Greenglass Rosenberg (September 25, 1915[1] – June 19, 1953) were American citizens executed for conspiracy to commit espionage, relating to passing information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union.


Fire John Boehner and make sure his replacement is for America and not the Nazi’s.  Do them the way they did us in the civil war. Abraham makes a promise and then they tell us our hero died.  You, with this new Congress was dead meat.  Find someone from up North.

Jesus Christ

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