Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Oil Prices Solution

Oil Prices Solution

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


This business model is unsustainable.  If selling oil is a dependence in our economy, invest in other sectors.  But must important is the lie we can exploit.  This is what we will do.
  • Organize non OPEC oil producing nations. We produce 69% of the oil while OPEC produces only 31%.  Have non OPEC nations reduce in oil production over a long period and develop other areas of their economy.
  • Buy oil from OPEC nation while low.  Buy as much as we can afford.  Now explain the demand lie.  We can sell it back at higher prices and deliver directly from the nation we purchase from.
  • Recruit OPEC oil producing nations into our coalition. What we will offer.  Prices based on being an oil producer unlike Germany.  A network into our growing food production process.    A network into future longevity and affordable healthcare and military protection for lease.  
  • They start paying us to send our troops overseas.  I be taxing you for those bombs.
  • Boost the economy with Veteran Travel Reimbursement tied into a vocational program or buy some more bombs from me?
  • Now we gain money in the hotel and motels, plus create a demand for gas.  And energy prices become controlled by its producers.
  • Support our farmers out of marijuana profits.

Non OPEC: 46,000,000 barrels per day = 69% – Reserves 19%
OPEC Nations: 32,424,200 barrels per day = 31% -   Reserves 81%

US Proven oil reserves in the United States were 30.5 billion barrels of crude oil as of the end of 201

US Uses: 7 billion barrels per year and has at least 4 years reserves, plus production give us about 8 years of oil to use

EU Oil Reserves: Oil - proved reserves: 5.675 billion

EU uses: 15 million barrels per day = or 2 years reserves, with production, this will be almost unchanged

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