Saturday, January 10, 2015

Homosexuality is not DNA & Future Space Travel

Homosexuality is not DNA & Future Space Travel

By: Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

I just want to mention something very important.  I witnessed something I have to look into.  I was told a few important things from my sister Egeria.  She believed you can talk things into existence.  She also said, homosexuality is not due to your DNA, it is a choice.

That is deep.  If you choose to do something not based on your makeup by birth, than why did I read about a child who got a sex change at about age 9, based on the child’s determination that he was born homosexual?  Many homosexual men will say, I knew I was gay at birth or as a little boy.

So, I observed a relationship by a young woman and a gay man.  She enjoys his company and calls him a Deva?  She always finds things not funny a joke, especially concerning men.  She had a male friend who was clearly gay, come here arguing about someone owing him money. He needed change 2 AM.  Then said, to the man who lives in the apartment over and over like a bitch ass nigger, you own me $5, I gave you $20.  Now the man being set up was drinking and holding a few hundred dollars in his hands.

So I said, to stop all the fussing. Look, he said, he owes you nothing. He said he is not paying $5.  I said, take it as a lost or just take it as you was just taxed $5 to be here. It is 2 AM and he is arguing with my nephew about money in the kitchen, while she is in the bedroom.  I am like why I was my nephew arguing with this gay man over money 2 AM while he is drinking. He got mad and left.

So now I disclose. My niece comes out yelling at me, her uncle and the Lord, about making him feel uncomfortable.  It ws 2 AM and he was trying to play my nephew.  This is the one niece they placed in my mind, which I had to place my seed in. Once I found my Queen of Queens Ilyasah.  But to do this, I had to do something seemingly shameless but actually righteous.  I had to find my Queen who is my niece.  I knew it wasn’t Nazirah, I called my niece Ashley, she said, I am not the one and then I found Ilyasah.  Nazirah has too many tattoos and when I told her she got 2 more.  Everything I say, she has to try to have the last word. Her name means Equal. She was design to not respect men. Because my sister creates things by talking it into existence.  And Egeria knew me and knew I would never go for this shit.

OK.  We had The Jonestown Experiment.  It was about mind control and sexuality.  The thing that upset me about her talking down me, is I discovered ho she was and what she do.  She wants you to think she is stupid and cannot do anything for herself while always scheming.
My nephew said, he was gay at birth. Probably by 5 years old he would say mommy I am a girl and she would laugh and say non you are not, you are a boy. But he will not agree with her at this point in his life. I know why now.

Two days ago, my niece called my great, great nephew gay, out of nowhere, “you are gay.” She always talks to him in baby talk. Now the same person will simply tell a puppy dog, sit. But this boy, gets all this guu, guu, gaa, gaa, boo, boo, coo, cco bullshit, because he is a joke in them process.  I did not know who she was talking to.  The next day she said to him, “you are a girl.”  I caught that time.  In said, d why you tell him he was a girl? She said, I was playing with him. I asked her, how do you play with a 1 year old boy? The she started lying about he is bad and gangster and will be a bad dude bullshit. So I mentioned my nephew caught up in that. Then she said, oh he is Diva and said he was gay all his life. Then I understood.

They talk that shit into existence.  My message that carried me was, “You was born to suffer.” Had it been, “You are a girl” or “you re gay” What would I have believed my purpose is.  This men are getting turned out by bitches who do not respect men.

I feel with 8 Queens, I can have 24/7 watch by at least one of they until my children are safely molded.  What she does not realize, is I have no time to deal with them now, but in will send her to 25 years of boot camp if necessary, she will not be our Paris Hilton.

That is why I am here. And my nephew Carter will go to greatness and his gift has to be, to tell me everything that happened to him during his first 3 years of life.  And they will be judged accordingly.
A child is programmed and this is called the molding process.  They can be made to believe in things they have no idea about and believe that is who they are.  Then the mother play like she did not plant that stuff in his head. So he thinks he created hi destiny as do all of mankind.

Voyager 1 went beyond Pluto

Voyager 1 is a 722-kilogram (1,592 lb) space probe launched by NASA on September 5, 1977, to study the outer Solar System. Operating for 37 years, 4 months and 5 days as of January 10, 2015, the spacecraft communicates with the Deep Space Network to receive routine commands and return data. At a distance of about 130.62 AU (1.954×1010 km) from Earth as of December 6, 2014[3][4] and traveling at a velocity of 38,000 mph (61,000 km/h),[5] it is the farthest spacecraft from Earth.
Pluto lies 4.67 billion miles (7.5 billion kilometers) from Earth.

Answer: Both Voyagers flew beyond the orbit of Pluto/Neptune in 1989, but neither flew by Pluto, which was elsewhere in its orbit at the time. It was never planned that the Voyagers would visit Pluto.

Question: If we can reach Pluto and build a space station that has a source of energy to sustain it, can we leave the Solar system and how fast and how far.

We have 1,000 years, I know these fools plan a star wars, because they are crazy and I will find them again and take their shit.  But I believe the key to being God and space travel, is I think we can use our energy source the sun and go anywhere we want to go in the universe. That would make the solar system a huge space shit.  He was cab travel base on our own navigation, at what speed do our system travel and how close can we come to another solar system.  That has to be the key to universal space travel, we have to navigate the whole solar system and develop or solar system to enter and exit ours into other system in the universe.  Is this possible?

Jesus Christ

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