Sunday, January 11, 2015

Books and Publishing Companies and True History

Books and Publishing Companies and True History

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

Today I am about to set up my DAW studio. We have a desk that can accommodate two computers. I will start making music when I work at night and then write lyrics.  I will send it to my Queens and will not copyright any of my material. I did not copyright Smooth Gangster.  They really cannot say I wrote this shit unless they disclose how they know who I am. So if necessary we will play Freedom of Speech games, as I sing about killing people who just do not seem they will ever fall in line.  If Sony can threaten the Leader of North Korea, I can threaten to kill up Sony executives with threats and anyone else, as long as it is a screenplay being marketed on the World Wide Web?  Is this what you really want?

Muhammad Ali, I will probably have to forgive. But it is obvious he was a plant.  I watch his movie looking for answers for the first time last night but not in whole.  He clearly made the point that the Nation does not own him. The dope addict told him God was not shit and he rehired him. His wife was working him from day one.  He was never silent, but always giving advice. How would she know what to advise to a man in a battle for his survival? Turn on him, why are they sending you the cross?  And I paid attention to. 

Genesis: 3:2:2
“The woman said to the serpent, “From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat”
Do you see what happened to the world when women started making decisions in the process of occupying milk and honey through the world they determined to be Egypt or slaves.

The great message I got from Muhammad Ali “Movie the Greatest” who Cassius Clay according to FBI reports is that Jews do not believe in God. He is working for the Jews and the placed an atheist man over God and said he was the Greatest.  Now everybody praise Ali and hate me?
 We are dealing in mind control and I believe we were just light years ahead of them all the time. Think about it, I always knew I was born to suffer, I bet when Malcolm went into the system he was design to die.  For Ali, was he also set up at birth? And by who?

I have to forgive him, but if he was a mole from the beginning, I cannot use him. If he turned as a result of his lose in faith, it was his job.

JFK: I have to assume he was for me. He send the Assistant Director to the FBI, without them knowing.  So from the beginning he was the feed to J. Edgar Hoover. It seems the script was switch on the Illuminati, as a Jew came to them and said, trust me.  The bible says trust no man.  Everything I am telling you is the spirit guiding me.  Understand knowledge is what you experience.
I remember my nephew think he was wise telling me, you cannot be a Freemason over the internet, meaning so asshole has to lead you into darkness with a bunch of misinformation.  Jesus Christ is the Devil.  But they say they serve Satan and did nothing I asked of them, yet I was supposed to be the man. I had to upload FBI files from the white devil for them to believe me. Meaning they still believe in Satan.  Because I am completing the mission, but it would have never went this far it you love and respect me.
Read this:

Luke 10:27
God must be loved. If you do not love me, there is no love and therefore darkness.
27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind;” and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.

Ephesians 5:22-24 
This is for man and not God. See the difference in the relationship and arrangement.
22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Created my book publishing company:

All the books in our schools are lies, all the books in bookstores are lies and every religious book is a lie. Regardless if people believe in me or not.  People want to learn new shit and when the word get out, there is going to be a lot of people who will want to read this stuff. The person who I first to tell the world, Adolf Hitler did not die during WWI.  Or JKF assassination was a ploy or the FBI was how the Illuminati controlled us. Or all the shit that happened here, from Slavery, to the Public enemy Era to the current war on drugs are plots by the FBI who was Satan.

The Muslims as supposed to stick with Allah. And as long as they do and I do not allow them to be destroyed, sooner or later the Jews will have to admit Moses is a lie and the Pope set you up.  Jesus Christ is Black man here in America and we knew it from almost the day he was born. Then and only then will we have peace on earth.  This diabolical system can never be fixed.  Everywhere they go for 7,000 years, we have always negotiated peace until another World War.
Now I have to timeline leaving the Solar system. They want Star Wars.  Star Wars have over 400 files?  That shit is not about a damn satellite system. I know I designed Star Wars. What exactly did I create? You need to find out.

Until the truth is told and the world knows the truth about this world. We can never have peace on earth. Why? Because white people are really crazy people.

They just said, they want the right to offend. So if I talk shit and someone acts on it, it is not my fault.  They do not know what they are asking for.  Because when the world finds out what happened to them and the fact I broke your asses. What will be you fate under Freedom of Speech, I will not be Islam who will be hated, but it will be you. And you will never know where it came from.  Now we will be the leaders of history and it fact, because nobody is going to listen to you anymore.  Hell. We can just assume close down the schools or change the agenda to preparing them for the truth. Because all you are doing is fucking people up with a bunch of damn lies.

Jesus Christ

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