Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Michael Jackson Illusion

The Michael Jackson Illusion

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano BKA Jesus Christ

I wrote some parables, they are somewhere. They were called the 24 parables of blue.  In it was a story about Michael Jackson.  It was a true story, but it alluded to something they did not understand and they called themselves talking over me as Freemasons.

They went on and on about MJJ being a child molester, an Oreo cookie, a homosexual and so on.  But what I did was placed a man who was black, masculine and bold, listening to Europeans say such things as he was just walking down the streets. But it was the words of Freemasons at the Veteran Training Program.   Now I know the white man read this article, which said, Michael will just disappear one day.

A blog:

Since you are here – it means that you too also question the ‘death’ of Michael Jackson.  The truth is that it was indeed staged, and Michael is STILL ALIVE.

I do not need to read this, because the one element they could not expose is, who Michael is, who was holding him hostage and the fact they knew Michael planned this.  So it was get killed or get out in time, while leaving them exposed.   Satan is so hateful towards black people that he fell for the same trick, knowing he always did it, because he hates us so bad. This is not business to him.

My Speculation:

Michael knew his timeline.  He made all these crazy things happen, the changing his color and the plastic surgery. ”Great idea MJJ,”they would say.   This means more money and a greater mockery. Michael was the big white joke. Meaning the Freemasons was the big white joke.  Michael exposed them and they did not see it.

When the time came to whack him, who saw the body and how the killers were convince not to even verify.  They knew his body would turn back black and by all means of secrecy, this could not be seen.

John J. Jones aka Gotti escaped. After all was set up. I sent him to prison. They thought they had me.  But John worked at night to avoid sunlight and therefore turning black.  Because of their hatred we could do this over their heads every time

Ask, who viewed his body?

Jesus Christ.

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