Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Gambino Network Product Descriptions

The Gambino Network Product Descriptions

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

1.       Record sales will include marijuana sales, our main product is we will monopolize the weed industry nationwide.  We will sell it for Medicaid.

2.       We will open Soul food restaurants nationwide in black communities with a single distribution system under our control.  we will sell soul food for food stamps under a government program we create. This can be a subsidiary of Gambino Enterprises?
;We will go into the local communities while on our nationwide tours and always do something for the community you go to.  Through our nonprofit network we can get grants for our central location to serve people nationwide

3.       We have our own everything. For billboards to all types of marketing and advertisement.
4.       We will establish Gambino Pictures.  We own a lot of properties and businesses for assist of in entertainment. Gambino Picture will be started with Tyler Perry, Spike Lee and John Singleton
5.       I want Spike to handle my stories of The Apostle 1 thru 3.  John handles the truth about the Panther Party and Tyler, handle my damn WWJD project and film “Everybody has Demons,” in the location of Avon Park, FL.

6.       Russell Simmons can handle this for me.

Hyperlinks to articles to introduce the idea:  Start at the bottom:

Jesus Christ

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