Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Establishment of my Queendom

The Establishment of my Queendom

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

Add this word to your dictionary, from Queen of Queens Dana.  Within my Kingdom, will be my Queendom where all my women will reside.  I will have chambers for my children and helpers, teachers and the works. I will mold like gods through the Spirit of God and I AM God’s temple and may I never be forsaken.  This will never happen because I AM him!

Queen of Queens Janet assignment is unchanged, but now better understood.  I placed her over Entertainment.  But Satan placed himself over my home and played a childish amateur game.  Everyone knew they was going to get fucked up, they just did not know when. The purpose of Prince Hall Freemasonry was to infiltrate urban areas in the North, control the media and they knew you would not be able to read.  But Freemason are super high supreme mathematics?   No! They are just a bunch of dumb niggers. They are travelling east, while the Zulu’s are travelling north. But I am stupid and they know a secret?

Queen of Queens Ilyasah is the one who was brought up with the foundation to our religion.  I knew it would be the Sunni sect who would get everything.   Everything meant they were the ones removed from the Nation of Islam.  The Nation of Islam had to carry out the fall of America. 

Everyone could see the power of the Nation of Islam, but saw the Sunni sect as weak and poor.  Now Louis and Malcolm are brothers of mines.  We knew for the black man to raise above white oppression, the key was that they cannot be afraid to die.  I could not die, because if I did, who would be able to raise me?  But somebody had to show them the way. He was Malcolm.  Now Louis becomes the big shot, buys out the Sunni sect, the restaurants and everything.

 Meanwhile the Jackson Family is under siege.   They done placed a white boy over his estate and killed the man and give the killer 5 years?  But now to the South you have Cash Money Records, up North G-Unit and to the West Ruthless and there is so much more.  But the Jackson estate is frozen, because they are trying to rob me.  See?

So while Janet is over Entertainment and all I have just showed you, Ilyasah is the Queen of Queen over the Hebrew Nation. Her seed if we were to go with the bible, would have to be Juda.   Now the word Hebrew we will use in the world, but we must come up with something the white people can never see.  If God’s great writing are in Hebrew and it is from God himself, either England stole and it is now tainted and they made that shit up too, to plant new lies in heaven.  Because Hebrew only means a slave.

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

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