Thursday, January 8, 2015

Josephine Baker Breaks Kennedy Conspiracy code

Josephine Baker Breaks Kennedy Conspiracy code

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

First of all, I have reason to believe Josephine Baker is alive.  The answers are in the Walter Winchell files. He started writing J. Edgar Hoover regularly.  He knew things that had to come from her.  He said, is it true that JFK is alive.  Nobody saw the body.  What, then comes back the Kennedy family plans to create a Kennedy God?

Now if J. Edgar Hoover knew he was not dead, how could he not know who I AM?  I tell you the devil operates in layers, while they are still yelling Freedom of speech with Chris Cuomo in Paris?  In any case what I said was recorded at the FBI and he had to think about it.  Oh, I did not see any black men in France, I think she played those fools.  They say she did not take any shit from them.  Why did France get fucked up with her, I do not know yet?

Sherman Billingsley was kidnapped: 2 cases

Walter Winchell (April 7, 1897 – February 20, 1972) was an American newspaper and radio gossip commentator

Harry Gold (December 11, 1911 – August 28, 1972) was a laboratory chemist who was convicted of being the courier for a number of Soviet spy rings during the Manhattan Project.

The Manhattan Project was a research and development project that produced the first atomic bombs during World War II. It was led by the United States with the support of the United Kingdom and Canada.

Rodney Glen King (1965-2012) was the victim of an abusive arrest by Los Angeles police officers on March 3, 1991. Two officers involved in the arrest were found ...

The depicted her as Communist – Code for of God

The made the black people think she left America to live large and that was it.  She was against us.  How many kids know she was a part of the movement and in hindsight, understand she refused to get involved with Dr. King.

The FBI knew she was against communism and heard she was offered to be a part of the American Labor Party.  Remember how Cuomo and Kennedy was connected to this Left Wing Communist Terror Organization.

The Goal is the American Labor Party and the Free Speech Movement becoming the new left.  Now look at this promise.  Again it is a bait and switch.  It basically said hey misfits you know a God will fuck you up, but will let you be sinners, in a world of no God?  Meanwhile I am lining up 8 women for my Queendom and will get my freak on. But the guy they want to follow, he is called the Pope. 
He has no balls and cannot enjoy sex relations at all.  The Illuminati gave you him as my litmus test?

The New Left was a political movement in the 1960s and 1970s consisting of educators, agitators and others who sought to implement a broad range of reforms on issues such as gay rights, abortion, gender roles, and drugs,[2] in contrast to earlier leftist or Marxist movements that had taken a more vanguardist approach to social justice and focused mostly on labor unionization and questions of social class.[3][4] The New Left rejected involvement with the labor movement and Marxism's historical theory of class struggle.[5] In the United States, the movement was associated with the Hippie movement and anti-war college-campus protest movements including the Free Speech Movement. While formed in opposition to the "Old Left" Democratic Party, groups composing the New Left gradually became central players in the Democratic coalition.

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

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