Wednesday, January 7, 2015

France – This is Just the Beginning

France – This is Just the Beginning

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

Fact: Islam is in the EU: 5% - 10%.  They will know you made up Moses, Islam and Israel and your plan was to use Islam as an excuse to kill Arabs off.  So what do they have to lose?  They are no afraid to die, due to your mind control shit and they just might redirect their anger towards their true enemies.  They know I am God and had to come in the name Jesus Christ, a name created by the white devils.

Fact: I am Jesus Christ and the World will soon know it to include those who practice Islam and those you made into Atheists nations like Russia, China, Cuba and North Korea. All you said is I will feed you if you do not believe in Jesus Christ. I say I will feed you in abundance if you accept reality in Christ. Who do you think even Cuba will choose?  The Chickens have come home to roast in France?

Fact: Israel joined you in a plot to sneak attack the United States.  We have the documents and now we can separate the Jews from you. They will tell all now.  They was just afraid and did not know whom to tell.  Hell you turned half of my family against me, making me required to forgive all fools, even you.  But I heard the cries of the Jews you enslaved to enslave the world long ago. They may exodus from Palestine, we have plenty vacant cities here in the U.S. You are no longer so tightly net anymore are you?  You need Middle East oil, you fight for it and I will stand by them, so they know I am a just God.

Fact: We proved the Illuminati exist in Switzerland Bavaria.  We proved what you did to this country, is what you have done all over the world all the time. You gain ones friendship in evil deeds and then take everything and destroy all those left behind.  We know that the origin of the Illuminati can be traced no and they started in 1560 when Hans Rohrbach was born to the union of Nichlauss Rohrbach and Ursula Rohrback. They became Christian Rohrbach and Christina Rohrbach and established their birthrights in America in 1746.

John Edgar Hoover (January 1, 1895 – May 2, 1972) was the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States.

John Edgar Hoover than secretly married Martha Beall Mitchell and the Martha Mitchell Effect, was put into action.

The Martha Mitchell effect is the process by which a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health clinician mistakes the patient's perception of real events as delusional and misdiagnoses accordingly.

His first born son name is Clyde Jay Jennings marries Janis Crawford and Paul Savidge marries his daughter Martha Elizabeth Mitchell.

The name of the Illuminati Family of the United States are:
Christian and Christina Jennings is from Switzerland is from and Savidge
We traced the active illuminati bloodline back from John of Hans Edgar Hoover.

From England to Ulster:

The Savage family (Irish: Mac an tShaisigh) in Ireland are descended from Norman descendants in England, that landed in Ulster and settled in the barony of Ards, County Down in the latter half of the 12th century during the conquest of Ulster by Sir John de Courcy.
This will become a study based on World History.

Freedom of Speech: I say anyone can say what they want about me and my Queens, if they can back it up?  As for Islam, like I said, it is a false religion that you gave them.  Now you call it free speech to laugh at them?  That is up to you. But again I support them and call on all of EU Islamic Community to Raise against our common enemy Satan.  I will even fund Islam to bring you to your knees!
Fact: The great scheme is the big international counterfeiting operation Bernhard?  Britain has always been you in another name. We, the world is the real targets.  What now? Credit cards, business accounts, as well as $100 bills. While you deflate your currency, increase demand for your products and create and illusion that the problem is you weakening currency.  So we come to you rescue, while you rape us?
Operation Bernhard:

It was the largest counterfeiting operation in the history of economic warfare, and the first that employed the full technical/scientific and management expertise of a nation state, to produce and deploy bogus currency to destabilize an enemy belligerent’s economic standing with its allies; and its acceptance by neutral powers.

Now we are supposed to really care about the people who created he lie public enemy?

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

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