Friday, January 2, 2015

All My Queens Must be Queens of Queens

All My Queens Must be Queens of Queens

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

I will leave the fact pattern.  That one Queen of Queens shit, I got off of Shaka Zulu, the movie.  I knew something was wrong. He make his mother Queen of Queens, because his father did not duly recognize his mother, who was a Queen if he is the King of Kings?  But this was by birth right?

They started out having African dances, like Hip Hop inn the beginning with people working for Marley Marl out of Queensbridge.  But like the Zulu Tribe a man they mad up, they went from peaceful to black on black outright killing to prove he is the man.  Then he faces the white man with spares against machine guns and they take them down.

So they kill this stupid bitch and them they say all his Queens, were buried alive with him. He was a fucking momma’s boy.  Do a nigger think like that without white influence?

So now we are supposed be divided in heaven because I am a bitch ass nigger?  All my Queens must answer to me. Shaka had his Queens answer to his mother.  Now that all my Queens are Queen of Queens.  In Queen of Queen Janet case the Emancipated Freemasons and Queen of Queens Ilyasah case the Hebrew Nation. Now many of my man have Queens?

Now understand, what happened.  Michael Joseph Jackson is the story of Prince Hall plans for me.  Say good things, but turn white and make my people despise me, get me nook on drugs, make me hate myself and kill me.  Then say see he was really white, see his white kids his siblings respect as the ones that get everything.  But the same FBI plans like this shit is possible and no investigations.  But they are law enforcement?  I should kill those devils in my house!`  I have to wonder about Joe now?  Michael said he hated him and he abuse him.  Mind control.  Then Michael names his devil plant Prince as to refer to Joe?  Who is a white boy?  Do you see what Michael revealed to you all?  Prince Hall is not to include you, but to enslave you because you are afraid to die.

Then this original document in Hebrew?  It was from God himself? Remember who they think God is.  Now Am I supposed to go and get something Satan had 7,000 years to think about to determine my direction in heaven?  He never given up. Anything he ever possess is corrupted. Whatever they got, it certainly cannot be and they know it.


Updated: 2 Jan 2015:

Before I make my final decision I must research Janet.  I knew that my Queen of Queens, symbolized the unification of my people.  I think my link to the Jackson Family is my mother and without real effort I found myself tracing a slave named Prince Albert Scruse I.

This is as far as I could go back and this I need to know, to decide who Queen of Queens is.

Prince Screws
(Date and location unknown)
Immediate Family:

I might think about this. Without really checking, look at his history and where he came from. Why?  He has to me my brother and that is why she was named after my grandfather.  This could have caused false interpretations of the scripture.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Malcolm was not God, but my bloodline brother whom we sacrificed.  Therefore Ilyasah is my niece and that is why she was named after my father.  She is the mother of the spirit in our bloodline and through my bloodline is blessed. Janet is Queen of Queens, but she will bare more children.  Because Janet heart was not made as angry and she may help Ilyasah let go of the pain of the cross she had to bare.  She had to hate me. She had to know I had to honor her. But her true blessing of everlasting happiness, is not she understand why.

I think I can select my 8 Queens tonight.  I can even decide on how we deal with our live-in maidservants, whom will live with us.  Every child in the Kingdom of God will have the spirit.

It is Malcolm X daughter was set aside for me.  Dr. King got what he deserved and died fucking with me and Malcolm died for me and shall live forever through her.  I will give her plenty of Children, even more than my Queen of Queens.  So just what does that mean?

Jesus Christ 

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