Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Sony Takeover or CBS Get Back

The Sony Takeover or CBS Get Back

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

The report sounds fine on CNN s to how it happened.  However our problem is that we pretend that we believe when something is reported, is when it is found out.  Wrong!

The key is NSA.  The design has to respond to flags.  What happened had to have created a flag.  Whereby someone log in they create a link or pattern, that has to send out a flag.

Often I am asked on a simple transaction on the internet,  did you request this or that.  In a high tech system flags had to be created.


Under NSA technology, joint with CIA intelligence and FBI law enforcement, we had to know as it happened to know how it happened our we have an dumb operation. We do not have a stupid operation, we have a corrupt operation.  Why they want us to go after North Korea?

So what if it leads to North Korea, we knew what he was doing and probably through a third party granted him the know how.

An Option:

Blame North Korea and even consider charging a North Korean spy for the crime.  You can even request sanctions.  But make sure China does not agree to any sanctions or North Korea any extraditions.  With everyone on the same page.

Help Russia get their economy on track.   Find a way to help them have say on oil prices on the international market as we find a way to increase the price on salt  They will see it backfired.  Japan will have to disclaim American operations, because we know everything and we are not trying to retrieve this information.  As it leaks we must by law monitor the leaks, but not interfere with it which we could. But the game is we found out when we announce discovery.  So now we are playing dumb with the EU.


We will destroy Sony and then give them an offer they cannot refuse and buy back our intellectual property they stole by taking over Columbia Records.  Why is Japan controlling Columbia Broadcasting Studios and is running it into the ground?  Because it belongs to me and I want it back. If we go up against North Korea with real law enforcement and sanctions, how do we explain our getting this new information that will continue to leak, if we do not help them help us?

Once the case is made, all evidence is admissible in court as long as it is relevant, placing Sony into a buyers market.


Sony has $142 billion in assets  They will get no more than half of that to give back our intellectual property. How many Japanese are on these films and videos?   But they own this American company?  Germany and Japan all over again, but this time it is our media they control to fuck up our minds?

The offer is $70 billion or they will beg me in a year for $50 billion.  Now they can reinvest in something else, but I cannot any longer allow them to control our media.  They have become a disservice to our nation and the only one gaining from these economic sanctions is the Nazi’s. This is an economic war and we are the ones to save the world and not destroy it.

Pay North Korea and China $10 Billion each.

Jesus Christ

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