Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Detroit - Natural Resources and the Commodity Market

Detroit - Natural Resources and the Commodity Market

Be Alert

The key to Detroit has always been the salt mines.  We are over 35% of all the salt in the United States and Canada.  They have been giving our salt away, it is that simple.

They knew they could not move those cars, especially in Europe without a lot of cheap salt.  Everybody is fighting over oil, meanwhile they was stealing our salt from right under our eyes.

Triple the price of salt. This goes for septic tanks, road salt and tax table salt and make it always deluxe and never cheap and on sale.

Detroit should have never gone broke in the automobile industry, when we can tax the world to move their cars in the winter.  This is all they was doing, giving our shit away, making us think that is the right price for such a valued commodity. We set our prices.  Salty food is bad and they need it for other things, is the basis of our future pricing.

Check all the other bankrupt cities for more natural resources.  When we buy a town, we control our own natural resources, that goes with the bailout.  Then we will decide what has value and what does not.

Like Sandersville , Georgia has what they call white gold. If I remember it is th fertilize capital of the world.  They can double their prices also. making $1.6 Billion instead of $800 million.

Yet they say the price of gold is record high, so they can steal our computer  and shit for moving gold to another side of a vault?  No! We value how we assist your production processes.


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