Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Major Shots Called Today

Major Shots Called Today

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

Time Sensitive Major Moves

  • Every major city from Below Washington D.C. up to at least Massachusetts follow New York City’s lead and decriminalize marijuana
  • Now Washington D.C. becomes the storage of the East Coast
  • Safe passage is allowed to our men to each city
  • We open marijuana shop with records stores connected to them up the east coast
  • Do this on I-70 and I-80 to include Chicago and Detroit

Control of population:

I have a subscription through to view all 501 c 3 fiinancial records.  It tell you things about the budgets and who is on the board of directors.

Myth: They are philanthropist.  Fact: This is how they control our communities, health care system  and opinions.  This money usually goes to corporations that they own stock iin, like pharmaceutical companies.

The Weakness:

We can take over any non profit by gunpoint in less than a week time.  All we have to do is identify who is who and who they work for.  Send in hitmen and make them sign over the non profit.  Once done we control the budgets. Then we can try to trace down the money.

Now who are the Nazi’s who know they are wrong going to complain to?

Then we create a new system of how the streets are ran and what and be sold out there, meanwhile making our non profits work to serve America and not the German Confederates.  The march on the Vatican?  Coming soon!

Note: If the federal government legalizes first, the lobbyist will get it through corrupted politicians.  If you do not end this drug war before getting out of office you too become a treasonous President.  .  

Once we Control the Communities:

The Medicaid billing scheme is this.  Once we control the nonprofits that will serve these consumers, whom are the existing nonprofits under new management.  This is how to conceal the transactions from stupid people. It gets a pass from the IRS and always has and it goes into our healthcare costs.  However, the result will be at least a drop of 20% to 30% in major cities.  Because this is a wonder drug.

The key is we must monopolize this industry.  The best way is to keep the federal government out of it until we get it established and then we just keep our operations under long term contracts.

Once it becomes legal, we will already control it totally.  And the non profit sector as far as community activist we will control.  This is where All comes in. He knows who they are, because he is their icon.

Measures to take ASAP as result of CIA Report

Military Alert

  1. Security Measures upgrades
  2. Armed Security on Post
  3. Upgrade ID card to include DNA, fingerprints and GPS tracking
  4. Contact USO and Hollywood Performers to Support GI’s
  5. Place High Security at events
  6. Monitor all transfers closely at this time
  7. Maintain visual awareness of troop with other troop no new faces
  8. Look at all ways we can use them to include martial law if civil unrest gets out of control
  9. Let this be known to the Congress martial law with Gen. Austin III if it goes out of control
  10. result they will back up in fear of you being the shotcaller on a martial law action, because we can just take shit and this time let them try taking shit back.

Detroit out of Bankruptcy today

  1. Start looking at property to redevelop
  2. Setup nonprofit and community organizations
  3. Buy us a business building or a few
  4. Setup office spaces
  5. Gather funding sources to include the government
  6. Make at least two two three major investments
  7. Gambino Pharmaceuticals - Western Beef Supermarket Chains - Local Store real estate companies - Detroit Motors - Construction Companies - Record Company - Services and Professional Services - Law Firms -

The idea is it can become a black owned city in the north. But it has to be designed for long term use and we must know in advance who will occupy this city.  Pre-determine demographic to control the populations behavior and politics.

Detroit has to export as much as possible. Music, cars, software innovations, Studio Music Technology, electronic devices, consumer electronics.

Detroit Salt Mines:

Whoever runs Detroit has a huge influence i the United States salt market.  Table salt is too cheap.  Anything bad should be taxed at a higher bracket.  Road salt is so important that we can charge whatever it is worth to maintain the Northern US roads.  The mines we must control and own.


Matthew Kissner  - Give him an offer he cannot refuse!

Detroit - Natural Resources and the Commodity Market

Be Alert

The key to Detroit has always been the salt mines.  We are over 35% of all the salt in the United States and Canada.  They have been giving our salt away, it is that simple.

They knew they could not move those cars, especially in Europe without a lot of cheap salt.  Everybody is fighting over oil, meanwhile they was stealing our salt from right under our eyes.

Triple the price of salt. This goes for septic tanks, road salt and tax table salt and make it always deluxe and never cheap and on sale.

Detroit should have never gone broke in the automobile industry, when we can tax the world to move their cars in the winter.  This is all they was doing, giving our shit away, making us think that is the right price for such a valued commodity. We set our prices.  Salty food is bad and they need it for other things, is the basis of our future pricing.

Check all the other bankrupt cities for more natural resources.  When we buy a town, we control our own natural resources, that goes with the bailout.  Then we will decide what has value and what does not.

Like Sandersville , Georgia has what they call white gold. If I remember it is th fertilize capital of the world.  They can double their prices also. making $1.6 Billion instead of $800 million.

Yet they say the price of gold is record high, so they can steal our computer  and shit for moving gold to another side of a vault?  No! We value how we assist your production processes.

Round up before I relax

  • NaQuila “Stackz Gotti” Hardy Tour
  • She did my album “People Crying” My words and my demands
  • 6 band members and 3 background singers
  • New York City to Washington D.C. to I-70 and I-80 to California
  • Security the FOI
  • Purpose of Tour - let them know I AM and want my shit now
  • Wherever she goes people will donate money to me

My album:

  • Hire Chris Brown to perform Smooth Gangster in Hip hop Version
  • Play Apostle Paul Castellano in the Apostle
  • I will consider him as the husband to my niece NaZiirah she is 18 years old and pretty
  • It will cost him at least $20 to $50 Million to her family, he will be able to afford it, hell all of mines will cost at least $1 billion.  Call it a blessing, but she needs to be taught for the first time about the true living God.

Let them dwell on the CIA and please continue to run things from behind the scenes, they will try anything about now.

Note: The Military DNA project:  Top Secret Clearance Required

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

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