Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Black Man Must Grow into Manhood

The Black Man Must Grow into Manhood

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

Everything Satan did was a scheme and had a motive to produce a  result.  I have  to do  some administrative work for a couple of weeks.  However, this blog has about 330  articles all which are very focus and will require little editing  later other than typo corrections. On a few occasions I might change my position concerning someone but that is it.

Even when you undo his wrongs, you will be faced with new problems and issues.  What concerns me now and how do we make our  men be men in our community.  See satan has everyone chasing financial success.  People like Steve Harvey got rich selling get rich dreams, whereby the only person getting rich is the motivational  speakers, like the book rich dad poor dad made a killing, but how many people got rich reading that bullshit?

Now we are faced with a  bunch of guys who have been unconstitutionally incarcerated due to this illegal drug war and legislation like the Omnibus Crime Bill that enforced the  Prison Industrial complex.  And are now marching for justice?

My concern is we are asking the white man to solve our problems when he create them and we are then blaming him as for being at fault, that is the move of a boy and not a man. “ Devil please be nicer to me and I will obey you i “is the message I hear by these marches.  But we must first take fault for our condition as men, recognize how we was played, recognize the law of the land is God and not man and we do not have to obey anything he say do that is unGodly.  Fear God and not man!    

The black man who went to prison must stop hating his black sister who he is supposed to protect and who needs him more than ever.  Just like you have been away, she was being ruled by the same man who placed you in jail after he took your manhood and made your woman head of household.  What you think that white man had her doing to keep her job, knowing he sent you ass to prison? What do you plan to do to women ? Degrade them?  Make them get on their knees and suck you and your friends dick?   But he did it to her already. Wake up, these women were without their men and now the men want revenge from a bitch, that is really gangster.  So what is your price, mines is my wives.

He divided the black family.  But you allowed it, by accepting that the law of the land is without any legitimacy.  What law do they follow ?Man?  God? Your Own?  But your own is Sata, because you don’t know me!    The true  law of the land is to mistreat black people and it is plain and simple.  

The way Satan writes the script is we just react and think we gained something until he takes it back?  So we realized we made a gain and they end the war on drugs, but then what?  We will have a bunch of men with no awareness of reality trying to come out and run things without guidance.  Why? Because this was how they were made?

This is not the solution article but an awareness article. We must be aware that every problem we solve will be like peeling skin off of onions.   How can you free a man from prison and not free his mind?  They freed the slaves in the South to turn them into even better servants  to the same devil.    We cannot just let our men out on the streets without a comprehensive plan of emancipation.

They must take responsibility for being stupid and allowing this to happen to our family, they must understand their adversary Satan and how they scheme and become teachable again in God.  Otherwise we will release our worst enemy, a bunch boys masquerading as men, angry with our black woman for what happened to them, never even taking into consideration what happened to our women and our children.  They will have revenge in their hearts and not forgiveness?    The seed of sin is division!

The only relevant prison ministry is to bring the truth to the prisons before they are released.

Matthew 6:15

But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

From: Man in a the Mirror: By Michael Jackson - Inspired by Jesus Christ

I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The
World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

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