Thursday, December 18, 2014

Marraige Law & the Redevelopment of the Black Village

Marraige Law & the Redevelopment of the Black Village

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

Eternal life must call for the ability to adjust to the situation.  Therefore what we need to do now, may not be what we need to do later.  My concern in our marriage law now is the molding of our children, yet fewer and fewer children will be born at some point to control our population.  Children  must start feeling loved. Woman also require to be loved and men need to feel respected. But we no longer love our women and children and our children and our women do not respect the men.

Why? You have been played and this goes beyond just being forced into a monogamous relationship with a woman, but the white man bamboozled us into thinking .that these Hollywood lies, is what is required in marriage and who you should marry.

Let me explain this straightforward.  Families are supposed to intermarry.  The reason our community is so screwed up is all women do what my sisters did.  They claim they are of spirit, when they are under a covenant.. You have no spirit among you, but you go and marry strangers or outsiders and expect to be loved?  Jews all over New York City know they made an agreement and hold a contract and therefore they know their community depended on maintaining their bloodlines.

Understand that my sisters children all feel unloved like all black’s well almost.  The black family takes care of their own children often because the father goes AWOL or just don’t care. And then the uncle becomes the father or the cousin the mentor.  The BBQ be all family, many of the children will not see their father on that day. Either he has to choose out of 4 baby mommy’s or just don’t care..

Had the black family not lied to themselves, it would have been as close as uncle or aunt to niece or nephew.  First cousins should be the norm.  Now my self righteous family, because you was conditioned to hate yourself even in the morals that  you follow are senseless.  If you have no spirit, you must go by your bloodline.  See a cousin will love his cousin and even more if he is his son.

Then you can design a community based on loving and protecting each other as a village.  But black people look to fall in-love and base a relationship on ideas Satan placed in their minds. Looking for happiness but never finding it in a stranger.  Then you end up with cousin who both got messed up need each other but will not make a contract.

See unlike you, I have the spirit.  And even in my case, you better believe my Queens were made for me.   I know I have to pair a lot of  family members and fast and not like it is illegal.  Carlo Gambino married his first cousin and everybody knew it.  He was a Mafia Dom and nobody dared say anything about it. But black people are so much smarter and so moral, they say this is bad and marry stranger to get dogged out.  See a dumb nigga will know he loves his cousin, but marry someone out to use him.  Because you are wiser than the white man who did this since the beginning?  Now my fake ass family will talk shit, but know it is true.  But due to our condition it is a necessity for many of us.  Only a family member will love family in a world of no spirit and in love there is spirit.  

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

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