Sunday, December 7, 2014

Jesus Christ - Martin Luther” & Dr.Martin Luther King

Jesus Christ - Martin Luther” & Dr.Martin Luther King

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

The German Martin Luther was also a scholar and doctor and  he was considered a theologist.  

Theology is the systematic and rational study of concepts of God and of the nature of religious truths, or the learned profession acquired by completing specialized training in religious studies, usually at a university, seminary or school of divinity.

Fact: The only way to truly understand the bible is to live it or be told the truth by he who lived it.  Therefore both of these men were philosopher and not men  of God.

So we had Dr. Martin Luder “aka Luther” and then Dr. Martin Luther King

Martin Luther (born as Martin Luder, later he called himself Luther) was born on ... The University of Erfurt (only in German),

Theologian Martin Luther forever changed Christianity when he began the Protestant Reformation in 16th-century Europe.

All Enemy Territory:

The Reformation movement within Germany diversified almost immediately, and other reform impulses arose independently of Luther. The largest groupings were the Lutherans and Calvinists (or Reformed); Lutheran churches were founded mostly in Germany, the Baltics and Scandinavia, while Reformed churches were founded in France, Switzerland, Hungary, the Netherlands and Scotland. The new movement influenced the Church of England decisively after 1547 under Edward VI and Elizabeth I, although the national church had been made independent under King Henry VIII in the early 1530s for political rather than religious reasons. There were also reformation movements throughout continental Europe known as the Radical Reformation which gave rise to the Anabaptist, Moravian, and other pietistic movements.

Dr. Martin Luther King born Michael King, whose father changed his name to honor Dr. Martin Luther of Germany.

His father:  King, born Michael King, led the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, and became a leader of the civil rights movement, as the head of the NAACP chapter in Atlanta and of the Civic and Political League. He encouraged his son to become active in the movement.

Michael King became Martin Luther King in 1934, after his father joined the Nazi’s, when he visited Nazi Germany ruled by Adolf Hitler.

King Sr. became leader of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in March 1931 after the death of Williams. With the country in the midst of the Great Depression, church finances were struggling, but King organized membership and fund raising drives that restored these to health. By 1934, King had become a widely respected leader of the local church. That year, he also changed his name (and that of his eldest son) from Michael King to Martin Luther King after becoming inspired during a trip to Germany by the life of Martin Luther (1483–1546), the German theologian who initiated the Protestant Reformation (though he never changed his name legally)

Nazi Germany and the Third Reich are names for Germany from 1933 to 1945, when it was under control of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (NSDAP).

Martin Luther born Michael name  was changed by his father who sold out to Satan and brainwashed who was to serve the Lord, into an enemy of the Lord.

Michael the Archangel is a very important individual in heaven. Archangel means "chief of the angels", so Michael must be the chief or leader of the angels. (Later, we will find out from the Bible that Michael is actually the commander of the Lord's army of angels in heaven.)

The name Michael has an important meaning: "(one) who is like God". My computer lexicon describes Michael as: "one of, the chief, or the first archangel who is described as the one who stands in time of conflict for the children of Israel".


Michael was set up as a child by his father Michael who did not change his name.  Dr. King, was made into a Nazi by his father who joined Hitler in 1934. And therefore hated Jews. But the criminology is wherever the Jews goes are the Nazis. Therefore to make this right we may have to give birth to another Michael who lives up to his expectations. Forget not Michael Joseph Jackson who was an angel also. But the one in line to run shit will be my son.  However, remember, I will rule forever, by brother Louis Eugene Poole will always be Prince of Princes and John Joseph Jones will always be my right hand man, while my brother was at the left.  So he didn't know everything.  He could have never did his job had he known who he was.  Dr. King was just brainwashed to get killed or hand everything back over to Satan?  And now we got a bunch of crazy Lutherans running around saying what Dr.. King would do.  Instead of WWJD it is WWKD?  Until this is laid to rest, we will always have a problem.  Therefore I shouldn't have too beg Bernice, it is her obligation also.

When you understand who was behind all these false religions, you will see this was just another game by Satan to rule over us forever.  It is not over until it is over.  You must see how they played their hand over generation of mankind. Killing off people and procreating alike blind ignorant educated fools.  Who can see everything but light.

Unlike my father he had a choice to figure it all out, Dr. King was molded as a child to serve the Nazi’s. The Nazi Party are Illuminati Sympathizers or stupid white crazy ass Zulus cursed for 4 generation by the non good France, who planned to rule the world. The statute of France is proof, because where is any liberty in America?

Rev. Frank Paul Jones is the Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

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