Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Calling of the CRIPS

The Calling of the CRIPS

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

The time has come and you are my 144,000.  I made my West Coast contact and will publicly announce him after I feel he had time to set up his protective perimeters.  He knows who he is and I instruct him to contact my brother Louis aka Minister Louis Farrakhan.  He will be able to quickly guide you up to date as to how to vet our circles for all types of infiltrations.  However, anyone who comes clean now is my brother, because I created this new network, the true meaning and purpose of the CRIPS for my day.

They plan to march down 6th Avenue in New York City while waving their Anti-Christ flags in a sneak attack to take New York City. They plan to gather over 500,000 of them here on this day. But we will be prepared and if they do, there will be blood on the streets of New York City on my day.

Your first order of business. Be aware who you were all played. Russell Simmons an undercover Communist leader, set up you up into Gangster Rap.  Then came the east coast west coast revelry and also in effect was the war on drugs and put into place was the Omnibus Crime Bill which became the Industrial Prison Complex. Yea, he probably was the JDL movement House Nigger. Once they placed them into prisons, they created a division between black man and black woman. One being the black man became angry and stopped loving his black woman and his black woman was designed to not respect her black man.  So she had to suck white dick to keep her job, while he is prison being mad angry and dumb, as his manhood was taken he say, “What happened in prison stays in prison?”  Prison creates a 75% illiteracy rate and about 20% totally illiterate, coupled with a hidden culture of shame.

OK, I write the truth to them about the evil diabolical devil called Satan who is the German Reich who are from the Latin origin the Devil.  The problem was the black man knew I was God or a black man was, but the white man new he came first, making him the original man.  But the white man is an incomplete product.  They got off the assembly line too damn soon.  The bible tells you, the first Adam was of dust. He was Satan, because there was darkness before there was light, this came to past.  But I am the final product and I have awaken. I am Jesus Christ and I am of the seed of Prophet Elijah aka Elijah Muhammad, but bka or better known as John the Baptist.  Do your research. 

·         I have the spirit of God and nobody had faith in me and therefore could not receive the spirit through faith, but by faith-grace mankind will be saved and never be deceived again.  This can only happen through my seed.  My nut is worth $20 million per nut and is not for sell.
·         White people are devils and must be eliminated through inter-racial breeding over 1,000 years, meanwhile the Pope and crew will be locked up in the Bavarian Mountains sealed off from the world. After 1,000 years I must release them to this shit again on all the corners of the world. He will last awhile.  Code awhile, understand I edited the New International Version to go by.  So after 1,000 years as soon as they walk out I will zap them with damn laser, because I know what they plan to do. Awhile will be a moment’s notice. This shit is something out of Harry Potter. You have to be careful what you ask for.

Solve this problem:

We have over 6,000,000 black in the system at a 75% illiteracy rate, you have the support of the White House, the Nation of Islam and the Emancipated Freemasons only if they come to you in that name will any of you join their Lodges.  Start locating men in New York City and case the place. You will use Motorcycles, but will also need cars for overhead transportation.  This town is congested and traffic c be made to a standstill whereby a motorcycle is an excellent weapon to make a hit.

Put out music ASAP to wake up our people. The trick they used is they knew my people could not read and therefore would not hear my word, because I came as a writer in my alter ego Apostle Paul Castellano. Understand I am Jesus Christ and came to so-call Rome out of Egypt into Egypt to the highest degree, as Egypt is cod for a land of slavery for black people.  They teach I am the greatest Apostle to the Gentiles, teach monogamy and claim I said these things.  I did not come to slave Satan, my world will not have not white devil Gentiles on it, because they cannot help themselves, I came here to get my property by any means.  

Understand Peter is the Pope and his flock can read and he claimed you loved darkness.  Had I fell for that one, he would have?  Do your homework. The black man to not hate God, he just cannot read and the therefore gets his daily bread from Russell Simmons is the name of Hip Hop.

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

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