Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Police Civilian Assaults Problem

The Police Civilian Assaults Problem

Jesus Christ

You may not want to hear the truth, but the problem is attitude.  Many poor black young men and women lack basic respect.  They do not respect their parents who just tolerate them.  But the idea that a police officer is sworn to enforce the law and carries a gun.  And most importantly you must understand he is human with character defects.  But in both cases you had men talking shit to police officers who had guns and was white on top of that.  Then they get killed and we want justice or destruction of self.

I think a start would be family counseling.  I think the problem we are seeing is starting at the home.  A kind pointing a play gun at people at 12 years old. Two black men talking shit while doing wrong to white police officers with guns and they are unarmed.  So I guess they thought they could not get killed because they were unarmed?

People need to learn to respect their elders, the authority and themselves.  I felt what happened in Long Island, New York was wrong. But he showed no respect thinking he was safe, because he was unarmed before men he really did not know who had guns in blue uniforms?

Had those police officer been drug dealers with guns, would he had put on that same show?  No!  He would have had fear of those thugs.  But police have no honor, just as parents no longer do.

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