Friday, July 18, 2014

Apostle Paul Castellano Calls on Zulu Nation & Farrakhan

Apostle Paul Castellano Calls on Zulu Nation & Farrakhan


I realize that all of the days of my life, be it my spiritual powers used, my words and action taken were all designed to fulfill the bible, not that is was sacred, but because the bible was the Master Plan of Satan and it had to be overcome.  I bet Minister Farrakhan wished I fulfilled the Koran, not knowing even the term Allah is a calling on to Satan as is Jesus Christ, Yahweh, Jehovah, Buddha and the is supposed be 666.  Who cares? These are names of God's Satan created that all mankind would praise him.


I will win this war soon, but I need help defining who we will be in the future. We must create a book of the history of our journey leading to me and we define journey the African American Slaves endured in darkness and in submission to his white slave master in America and we must explore the deep rooted self hatred blacks have innately as a result of the idea that Jesus Christ is a white man they are Gentiles as is their white slave masters are also Gentiles and the white people so-called Jews who has it all, is God's favorite people who clearly do not recognize this God you preach about called Jesus Christ they are loved by first and over all anyway and fuck you.


How can you be anything but of self hatred. Always running after someone to love you, because your god doesn't even seem to love you so who will?  How can anyone love something such as this depiction of Jesus Christ, be black and think they are Gentiles equal to their Confederate Slave Masters who has been enslaving them since they arrived here in America. Only someone who is absent of the true meaning love and therefore hates themselves.


Therefore in a future date we will establish our order and meet on the first floor of our headquarters.  We will call on South Africa to assist us in establishing the  proper Zews culture, relevant to perpetual unity, security and true emancipation.  I also think Min. Farrakhan has a lot good ideas as to how to live, eat and so forth and I would really like if he became the Nation of Zews and prepare my flock. As I am still dressed in the armor of warfare, while I ask he prepare us for peacetime, something I never knew.


The once great nation, now almost in extinction will raise again in America and I will receive a new name and be named King of the Zulus, King of the Zews and King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And all the world will know it.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones - aka Apostle Paul Castellano



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