Friday, July 4, 2014

4th of July is Not Celebrated by Many Blacks

4th of July is Not Celebrated by Many Blacks


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones - aka Apostle Paul Castellano


The black man in America was never emancipated.  In fact at this time in history we were still openly enslaved in America, this was almost 100 years before the end of the civil war that established the lie they we were liberated for the tyranny of our slave masters in America both North and South. How can any black man celebrated such a lie.  The key here is celebrate, or have fun or party or have a good time. How can we rejoice in the name of Independence Day of 1776.


And what do we do as a means of celebration.  Get high, go out, BBQ, play with unlicensed fire arms, kill each other, play with fire works and be ill-responsible children all over again.  And why?  Because we declared our independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain?  Get real! It is just an excuse for us to do what they designed us to do and find joy in doing, which is to be unproductive and waste resource and energy.  All we do is blow huge sums of money and accomplish nothing on this day. Only to recover from a hangover.


On the 4th of July, over $300 million is spent on fireworks alone, over 6.5 billion pounds of meat is cook or Texas total cattle in 2009, over 1 billion points of watermelon, Americans will spend more than $1 Billion alone of beer for this day.  And it is all based on a lie, when it comes to the African American slaves.


Because the system recognizes this day and set forth for people to congregate on this day or come together on this day. We the true Jews as describe in the Bible, must redirect our energies, so that we use these opportunities to create a better situations for us economically and socially as a nation and people.   We the black nation of people, must realize our great commonalty, we are blind and cannot see that we are the true meaning of the Jews and truth about bible prophesy and it being fulfilled is the emancipation of the African American slaves.


Understand that there is no true black holiday. Dr. King is not a black holiday simply because he was disloyal to the King of Kings, simply because he was a child at the time?  Therefore we as a black community must be responsive and proactive in an agenda to give these times true relevance and meaning towards our gaining our Freedom from Satan's rule over our community.  We must redefine every holiday and its relevance to us and how we will respond in a proactive manner


It's time to find a new way of doing business in the Black Ghettoes across America, especially during holidays and the holiday season coming up.  We will probably announce our plan for our Thanksgiving Weekend in a month or so. Our goal is to reduce the stresses associated with this time of year for many poor people we serve, by creating a weekend of events during Thanksgiving and Black Friday, which will be a time of huge consumerism, something many of us cannot afford anymore.


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