Friday, July 11, 2014

Influx of Illegal Immigrants is Due to Americas War on Drugs

Influx of Illegal Immigrants is Due to Americas War on Drugs


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


Americas failed drug policies has caused the "chickens to come home to roost."   What qualifies my statement as fact is at first glance "because of our discriminatory drug policies and greed in the past, now the chickens are coming home to roost with crime and corruption soaring and the people effected most are now on the run so they came here." 


Is this outcome due to predetermined laws and policies?  It is my position that our lawmaker must consider this influx in illegal immigration as not the result of a fail immigration policy alone, but is as a direct result of our war drug that never had as a goal to even reduce drug distribution into America, whose policies are racist and has never included an exit plan.  Its sole purpose is and was, to incarcerate poor blacks in America.   The result is that the Mexican Cartels became very rich and powerful.  And unless we see the correlation between the Cartels and their  fleeing poor, the situation will only get worst.


We cannot buy our way out of this one with $20 Billion, because they probably have that in stockpiles located in safe houses throughout the U.S. It is my interpretation that the Cartels are probably behind this.  Because it seems too organized to just be coincidental movement, that all these people from all of these countries all decided to migrate here all at once illegally? I do not buy it!  Therefore President Obama should first call in the CIA, to determine if this is a conspiracy and therefore determine who decided they make this move at this time in such huge numbers all at once.  And Yes, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas has reason to be concerned as do the whole nation, because this is only a first stop and the National Guard should be activated. He is the only person that recognizes we have been attacked.  They must first be place in some form of controlled custody until a real decision is made as to how to solve this problem, once and for all.  $3 or $4 billion will not solve this problem and it will take much less to take control of this crowd, until a decision can be made. Out of my head, I believe we can control, house and feed 58,000 or even 100,000 people for much less for as long as one year. The decision shouldn't take that long, but the problem is we must first know what just happened before we make recommendation on illegal immigration based on this activity.


Because all we think we see at first glance are a bunch needy and poor people crying for help and needing a place to stay.  We cannot make the same error we made with the Cuban act of  1966.  We cannot assume as a nation that because they are poor, means their duty is to serve our nation and that there are hundreds if not thousands of infiltrators within these groups, whose duty is to destroy us. Think about how well our government programmed me as a child. Then think about the hundreds of billions of dollars behind the Cartels that they are forces to hide in isolated homes and so forth. And think about what services and technological assistance this money can buy and from who. Our battle isn't against a bunch of dummies trying to support their drug habits as do most black dealers on the streets in America and who we incarcerate as a result of this war on blacks. These people have billions of dollars that they can only invest with nations and states against America. With this understanding, we can only imagine what just crossed our boarders?  And what can result from in the near future.


With this understanding we cannot simply welcome these people as allies to America, when their first act was criminal, simply because we claim we are a nation of immigrants. Which is a lie also. The first whites to come here stole this place and then blacks were brought here forcefully as slaves, because the people they ripped off refused slave labor.  Then came immigration for the Italians, Jews and the rest came about, always based on the this countries need to more cheap labor. However, every time we created some type of ghetto.  Jews with Jews, Italians with Italians and Mexicans with Mexicans.  Therefore we have to realize these people will be no different and they will form ghettos and their loyalty will be within their own circles first and community, but their goal will be to be productive here in America. Productive could mean setting up drug fronts and blowing up buildings. Think about how the many drug connections that will be established it this happens uninvestigated?


There are over 58,000 of them and counting? We must begin the process of separating them and interrogating them. We cannot afford to take the position that they are all just hungry and friendly people who just happened to cross the border. If they are really loyal to us, we will find out from among them as to exactly why this is happening. "Who told you to come here?"  Every last one of them should have to answer this question.  This is only to begin our investigation. My point is whenever a crime is committed, it is the duty of law enforcement to investigate the crime being committed. Yet not one person mentioned on CNN, that these activities are under investigation by the Department of Justice. But the argument is about our failed immigration policies, meanwhile we may even be under attack.  And like Cuba this might just be the first wave.


Meanwhile one American solider crossed the Mexican border and he is going through all types of changes, but over 58,000 of them hit our borders overnight and our concern is immigration policies are failing?  What about national security breeches?  When it is directly related to our drug policies?  And when the actions of a criminal enterprise causes such a problem, it has already become very political. Like I said, Drug Cartels are terrorist organizations and such be dealt with as such. As a terror organization President Obama will be able to negotiate a settlement, without the help of the Congress and it could be authorize that they are terrorist organization based on our investigation concerning this mass illegal immigration move. If the CIA can prove this is conspiracy to overthrow the America government in any way. President Obama can force the Congress to regard them as terrorist and remove them from the picture and do what must be done to end all of this mess and chaos.


And until we learn to respect this enemy of the State and the money they control that we will not even allow into our economy legally. Until we accept their level of sophistication, which is demonstrated by their tunnels and distribution processes and until we accept they have way more money then most if not all of the Middle East Terror Cells and if they so decided can do way more damages. Hell they could decide hire a terror cell out of the Middle East to do their dirt. Based on common enemies. Until we get honest with America and ourselves about this drug war and who we are harming from it and the power the cartels now have. And with the understanding of why the South and North in America fought the civil war. We will never be able to solve any problems we have associated with Central and South American countries.  We created an economic monster who now wants his rights to commence now.  They are different than the South getting rich off of Slavery in America and wanting State rights to expand their business enterprises.  The history of man is everyone get rich off of the back of the of black salves in America. We are slaves to fast-food, we are free or cheep labor and we are slaves to drugs. We are slaves and America is now mad, because someone else is working us?


I think this is a first sign of a much bigger problem and the wise thing to do is start an investigation concerning this matter and place all those people into some type of control to prevent their movement any further into America, until we know exactly why this happened.  Then create a new policy based on the conclusion. Drug Cartels are terrorist Organizations.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


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