Monday, July 28, 2014

Israel's Recent Historical Facts We Must Face

Israel's Recent Historical Facts We Must Face
When I was a child, I was impressed by Jewish people. I heard the stories of the holocaust and learned about their many scientific achievements, for example Albert Einstein was a household name and someone to be proud of, so we thought.  We were brought up to respect any white man who stood up for any of our rights. We loved the Kennedy's, the Rockefellers  who are of the Illuminati and we loved Jewish people, their hands. One of my favorite teachers were Jewish, Mr. Greenberg my gym teacher.  I never hated these people and still don't, but now I know many of them hate me, but not all of them.
They are very powerful and deserve a certain level of respect, but at some point I see we will have to call their bluff.  If they really think they can end the world, let them try it.  I told you they tried to nuke New York City on 9/11/2001. It was over economic concerns. However, our financial system was already setup in parallel and therefore no information was lost. But they sent us in to a war, that we still haven't gotten out of.
I told you what happened. President George W. Bush was under the mental control of his father. And the basis of a lot of his decisions was on his understanding of God that was embedded into him as a child of a Skull and Bones Society Leader.
On the day they attacked us on 9/11, President George W. Bush, airspace was compromised, because his father knew these type of things. George H.W. Bush ran this country for about 20 years.  And President Bush was really given an ultimatum, which was to go to war or die. And his own father would have taken him out had he not did what he was made to do. But we all knew he would come through.  And this made the FBI an anti terror agency under their new director Robert S. Mueller, III, who signed up to be crime fighter and never stop screwing with me. 
They attacked because I demanded the redistribution of our nations wealth and they told me in advance, I would get my answer today, but it will not be what you think.  Billions was made for their circle through Halliburton in arms deals. And the day before this attack the whole Jackson Family with the exception of Janet was in New York City, for Michael Jackson's big show at Madison Square Garden  on 10 Sep. 2001. Their plot failed and America knows they did it, but they have something on America, because they continue to be business as usual until today.  The bomb couldn't go off for two reason, we sold them a dud and had it exploded, It would killed me and they do not have the authority to kill me and for this reason they hate and fear me so bad. Because they know I am their end to un just ruler ship.  They have to change their ways and their doctrine. And sadly is on 9/11 the Jews did not go to work that morning at the World Trade Center and it is common knowledge, but what they didn't know was they was supposed to die also.
And who is this multi billionaire and former Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg?  Recently he again broke our blockade. While this time it was a no fly zone into Israel, but what people seemed to have forgotten is that Michael Bloomberg with his crony Rev. Al Sharpton broke the blockade we placed on the Dominican Republic after flight 587 crashed. I called this blockade in to the White House on a hunch that was on point. They had a communications center setup over their and was controlling the movement in the middle east from there. For those with news archive recourses, read the horoscope in the Pisces section of the New York Post on 10 Sep. 2014, there you will read their answer and review the news around the time flight 587 went down and know we shot it down, because that cargo could never reach its designation.  When we stopped all communication on that island, all movement in the middle east become uncontrolled.  My point is I ended the war on 12 November 2001, but they chose to fight anyway, because that is what the Illuminati is about, causing destruction and mayhem.
I can go even further back. For example John J. Gotti was dark skinned, so we kept him out of the sun, he moved during the night. John J. Gotti married Victoria Gotti who is Jewish, because he always wanted to be close to God, even as a gangster. I know many people wondered why black people were not allowed in the Mafia for so long.  It was the  Jewish code for the mob, that you had to pass for white. Like Bobby Lee's father, he was blackballed because he was too dark. And for our operation to work, the Jews who was the connection of the Mafia into the world of power and control, had to think that black people were not a real factor, yet almost all of the men I controlled were black.  My family is in Queensbridge and to Queensbridge I must return someday, so we can organize and kick ass.
The Gambino Crime Family isn't really just a bunch of white people. In fact one of John J. Gotti greatest aces in the whole was his association with black people, to get around the drug rule that was used to protect Dom's from  going down on a drug charge.  Jewish people are racist in their every actions.
They are not the KKK, those are just ignorant white people being used because they want a higher place than blacks on the food chain for the Illuminati. The Jewish people are much more sophisticated, they organized people like Freemasons, Prince Hall Freemasons, they support Christian leaders like Dr. King and the Roman catholic Church, who teach us about a white Jesus and how good Jews are to us. They organized orders like the Knights of Golden Circle, who were spies during the civil war and probably took out President Lincoln and I wouldn't even be surprised if President Lincoln death was ploy and he was one of them. Because after the war they admittedly disappeared in to the sunset with new identities. Nobody really knows who these people were.  The Jews they organize religions all over the world, one after another, which determines one's culture, foolish fears and eventually ones government and ruling establishment. And always they create a situation whereby there can never be peace on earth.
We talk about the one world government and the Illuminati. But their plot failed. The ultimate move was the fall of America and full control of the middle east.  America is the New World and the Illuminati has the whole world praising him in  one name of another.  The lie that Satan would create one religion over all of man kind is lie. His job is to keep people separated, it is the Lord who will rule over this one world order, because until people realize the world is a lie, there can never be peace on earth.  Therefore there must be one God and one Government that works to support each other and not destroy.
Our debts were supposed to be to them, but instead all these governments we created or established after these Wars, that became powerhouse economies, do you really think I would go in to debt to someone I made?  Japan, China, Russia, Germany, and the list goes on was broke and we had to help them restructure their economies.  Think about it Japan was nuked, now how would I look placing us at their mercy? Germany and Russia was filled with death all over their streets, think about it?
People are just stupid and believe anything CNN of ABC tells them. If CNN announces I was the Son of Man, I would have security problems, because people are used to being told what to think by white people and we honor the power of money instead of being wary of it, being we have so little of it. But we base our bond among each other on money, whereby your word should be your bond to your brother.
Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

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