Saturday, July 12, 2014

The True Purpose of Israel

The True Purpose of Israel
By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones - aka Apostle Paul Castellano
The State of Israel was established about 1948. At this time the relevance of oil and its future demand to our world's economy was well established.  This was as a result of the aftermath of World War II.  The state of Israel was established as a result of the extermination and killings of about 6 million Jews during World War II, in Adolf Hitler's alleged attempt kill them off.  The true reason behind the killings of these Jews was the establishment of Zionist movement and the fulfilling of the ideals of Theodor Herzl and not God. It was to create a Jewish State in Palestine. On August 31st, 1897 two major event took place, the First Zionist Congress was formed under the leadership of Theodor Herzl and Oldsmobile was founded. My point is when this decision was made by the Jews to go and takeover Palestine in the name of God, the demand for oil and the future our the world's economy was established based on the control of the middle east oil. However, they may have lived out their use, because we will probably create energy from water. It isn't my fault they cannot separate the elements of water, which are both combustible.  So it they blow up the Middle East, so what!
Think about it, if Adolf Hitler was who they say he was, why didn't we go into Bavaria and destroy his many beautiful homes in Austria. Why? Because Hitler was only a figure, the war was led by the Illuminati, setting the final stage of the New World Order.
If you understand what I am revealing to you, you will understand that many of these Jews who are not Jews really think they are. Satan has everyone fooled. They didn't say no I am a Gentile and not a Jew to be spared by the Nazi party. Because they really believed this Illuminati lie and wanted the benefits that came with being a Jew under the current world establishment.  Being a Jew comes with many economic benefits.
Yet, I claim to be the Son of Man and I am a black man, who is in bondage in America and never been to so-called Israel and do not plan on going there ever. And I claim these people who are not Jews who actually work for the exact same people, who allegedly tried to eliminate them from the face to the earth?  I say the African American or the true Jews as described in the bible are blind to the fact that they are the true Jews and we are still being killed, mistreated, abused and oppressed in America, because of this lie. There is power in the knowledge of self.  Had I not come to the true realization of self, I could never talk or write with such authority.  And when black people realize who they are the illusion will be destroyed and self love will evolve into our community and in our character it will show.  Every black so-called Christian believes God loves co-called Jews more than them, yet they have it all and we are the one's being punished and this is self hatred.  
First of all, the bible was intentionally written in code. And was never meant to be understood by the masses. It was written to confuse and control the masses and thereby give Satan an advantage over mankind. Whereby among man it has become a stumbling block and to the ruling class a tool for maintaining oppression. In fact, when the bible was first forced into African American Slave lives, we couldn't even read the damn book. So how was the bible meant for our salvation? 
On every corner of the world, among every great nation of people, they have a scripture relevant to their languages and cultures. But somehow the African American slaves stumbled upon the secret to the salvation for all the world, which is to praise and worship their white Jesus.  We just have to place ourselves below the white man and hate him so bad for all these years of mistreatment. Yet we praise white Jesus, white Jesus come and save me for the white man?  The Hindus, the Muslims, the Buddhist  and anyone who doesn't praise this white Jesus, is going to hell.  But the white man promised us a place in his heaven.  Oh, but we have to serve them until we die (we must obey the law of the land, because God said so) and then die before the promise is honored. What I cannot understand is how did we get this powerful information? Who schooled us about the key to salvation?  That same White Slave Master!
The Truth:
Satan is the order of the first man code name Adam or the Beast.  Satan is an order of an allegiance to rule over the masses and control and establishment of a one world economy.   They're setup in the Bavarian Mountains.  Their roots go back to Caveman, where they are now dug in deep and have been for their many centuries, since their migration from Africa, where the garden of Eden is located. The knowledge of the world or what the world has come to believe or think they know originated in the caves of the Bavarian mountains which is the headquarters location of the illuminati or the name we are using to give Satan a real face, so that you'll black folks stop fearing  spooks and  ghosts, when our problems are being created by real people with an real agenda to keep us dumb, deaf and blind.
The first illusion of the world which has us all confused until this day, is that when things happen in different parts of the world, the grand architecture of that planned event originated where the instance occurred.  There is nothing further from the truth.  To understand where I am about to take you, first you have to understand the nature of this world and Satan.  Satan by nature is an interloper.  He mingles in the affairs of others and has done this from the beginning and this is according to his own scripture.
We know Satan interfered in the affairs of Jesus throughout his journey on earth and this is according to scripture. And if you understand the reality, Satan introduced the name Jesus Christ to mankind.  Yet for some reason, we think the scrolls of these Jewish people, who do not even believe in Jesus Christ originated with them, we believe their story about a genealogy unbroken, all the way back to the beginning of the allegiance of the first man Adam or the order of Satan, yet they claim they were slaves.  And we believe this is a pact they have with God and not Satan, whereby Jesus pact originated in the heavens and theirs on earth with their earthly god. The contract of Jesus is the spirit and the contract of the so-called Jews are the 10 Commandments or the laws they designed to rule over mankind by keeping us blind and ignorant and to kill or destroy all who poses a threat to their order.
The storyline of the Jews did not begin in the Middle East, but it originated where everything else originated which was in Bavaria. And in the same fashion great nations travel to foreign lands to conquer and rule over them. Satan has been working at his craft way before this idea of Jews was conceived and developed by these people. Almost everything that happens on earth is planned at Macro level, by the rule of Satan or the Secret Order of Caveman.  And the winners of the wars are the tellers of the history and we are forced to accept these lies as truth in order to eat or trade.  And anyone tried to go up against them they will attempt to destroy them.
Therefore the transitional rational leads to a specific meaning given to the meaning of the mark of the beast they codified as the numbers 666. Yet there are a few things the number 6 correlates to concerning the bible. In the future am sure we will figure out some sophisticate bullshit calculation to amaze people.  But for now we know they wrote 66 books in the bible, few realize the creation took 6 days, they ceased from the creation on the 7th day and the 6th church, the church of Philadelphia. Who do you think that is?  The Zews or true Jews?
However, the mark of the beast is Satan or the order of Satan. His power is in deception. He created all religions on earth to create tension, conflict and wars and to rule the world using a matrix system of governance.  He came in the names Yahweh, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, Jehovah, Allah, Buddha and every other name people call God.  He created our idea as to who God is.  Every name mankind has come accustomed to calling God, are all names created by Satan and he created religion to insure we never have peace of earth.  He created religion to keep mankind form organizing and uniting as one.   Because everyone believes they hold the secret to the true living God, yet all of them are reporting to Satan and are confused by his falsehoods and lies.
Now if you understand this. You will understand that all of the world are servants of the anti-Christ, if Satan is the anti-Christ. And even the term Jesus Christ which I hardly use, is actually a name of God created by Satan and is therefore a name that was assigned Satan.  Meaning he is the author of all religious codes.
Israel or the so-called Jews duty is to fool the world into believing God is white and that they are proof of that. These people, I do not know as being anything but Europeans, claiming to be someone they are not.   And this is the great stumbling block of the Zews and why the whole world have been fooled. Because under these conditions, the key component which is the control of the African American Slaves, who will always be a slave on earth and no man on earth will ever know the true living God until they learn who they are. The world will remain in darkness. And I and my army will be forced to kill up a bunch of disloyal and useless servants of Satan and that is almost all of the world. Leaving only a chosen few?   Only if he (Satan) has his way!  People have to wakeup. The options are wakeup and see the light or die, because you will be useless to us, as you are now a detriment to peace on earth.
Rev. Frank Paul Jones ala Apostle Paul Castellano

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