Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Gun Control Debate in America

The Gun Control Debate in America



By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


I can patch every problem ongoing on the planet. I can clean the air, cure diseases like every cancer known to mankind and diseases to include AIDS and extend the life expectancy of humankind to an average of 150 years. The reason being is that I probably created it or had it manufactured, always a step ahead of them.  Part of the mission of the Illuminati is to kill off people and control populations for  profits. Diseases are created and have been since the beginning, this what they do. How did God start making people die, by the word. The original man without interferences is design to live a very long time. They started killing off people.  But you think it just happened because of God? Now you might have a clearer understanding on the subject.


The pattern is they establish an economy based on some need of theirs, be it oil or energy, cheap labor and commodities & other resources.  Then they promote economic development in these countries and build roads, buildings and other infrastructure, only to create problems among neighbors. Every government like every religion is design to have enemies and therefore create alliances to be safe. They sell arms to both sides by playing good cop and bad cop.  You buy from Russia than he can buy from me. 


This logic is what allowed us to basically buy America and the world.  Ronald Reagan broke America or finished to process.  And being a step ahead of them due to their arrogance and their evil intent or intent to enslave African Americans as a means of power and control, allowed us take away most of the Illuminati's power, because we created new money like Bill Gates and took from the old money in the process. Now all they have going for them are their lies. They are broke but you don't know it and because this we keep serving them think you will get paid someday (I do not know) and now the government cannot pay their debt anymore. Why? Because hey too owe us more than they can ever afford to pay back. In the name of Japan, China, Russia and so on.


This is what they planned for you all, but we beat them to the punch.  If it was in my name, America could just renege, locked me up or died trying and continue doing business as usual.  But they owe every entity they control and depend on to rule the world.  Everybody owes us, in all these names using the same logic they used when they designed the religions and promoted the bible.  The mark of the beast? For this reason, I have been know to say the mark of the beast 666 is good number. It is revealing.


If Satan had achieved his New World Order, he would have had these controls in place as described above.  He would now have controlled of the 2%, who control 50% of the world's finances. He would have bankrupted the United States of America in the process, causing a serious war in the Middle East, to take full control of that area of the world and its oil.  Then you would have seen the real Zewish holocaust in America. African American would have outlived their use in the world economy and would have been either killed or treated brutally.  Had I give him that power!


But instead, if I so decided I can forgive all debts and you forgive those in debt to you. If I choose to do so!


Now we can discuss gun control and what it really means. The right to bear arms is established in the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution. Essentially it gave the white man in America the right to protect his property.  Therefore such legislation will only further suppress the African American Slaves, making us more venerable, creating anew reason to lock us up and not make our streets any safer. The gun violence we experience are mostly done with illegally possessed weapons. To address gun violence in the black communities, is such places as Chicago where over the Fourth of July weekend 2014, a celebration based on a lie that has no relevance to the African American people, 60 people got killed and 11 died. Now we are going to patch a conspiracy to kill set us up to be slaughtered?  NO! 


Now that we are to become land owners and equal partners, the rules that apply to land owners known as the Second Amendment, we want to change.  Meanwhile our nation is in a state war, with drug cartels (drug war) and nations all over the world. Yet our own government wants to disarm Americans. What so when they come we have no choice but to surrender.  You can take the white man's guns, but I plan to prepare for the ultimate invasion. The cartels are here and terrorist are here and they are the servants of Satan. The government is broke. No! We must be able to defend ourselves in these last days or risk what the Jews got in Germany.  My men I will kill if they willfully hand over their weapons and brand them as cowards. The issue is economics, just start support Operation Solution and Response, whereby or volunteerism with calls for the support of community, industry and government, will redevelop our communities.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones - aka Paul Castellano

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