Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Palestine and Israel the Only Solution

The Palestine and Israel the Only Solution


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


First of all Israel is a lie.  That place we are talking about is Palestine.  After world war two, these people who claim to be Jews was ran out of Europe.  It was by design under the order of Zionism, to eliminate the masses and win world sympathy not just for their migration into the middle east, but as the world power, after it was clearly determined that petroleum would control the world's economy.


This caused all sorts of problems, from the need to build up military arms over hatred based on foolishness, to the constant destruction of nations in the name of democracy or non cooperation with Israel. But I will be upfront, I Am dictatorship and of the line of royalty and they know it, so this is bullshit. It is just an excuse to create demands that will harm these nations economies in the name of security due to the intrusion of these interlopers.


I recognize all the great contributions they brought to the middle east, in the sciences and technology sectors. Its development of the land occupied into the 21st century. But they are worst than the Apartheid Government.  At least the Apartheid recognized the black South Africans, but so-called Israel just took over an area, named it Israel and said fuck the Palestinians, like America did the Native Americans  and then started making demands for its security, when they were the aggressors.  And how they are blowing up shit and damn a cease fire, for what?


With the understanding that I am the Son of Man, I cannot support the lie that they are the Jews as described in the bible.  And with due recognition of their education and advancements, I feel they deserve a home and a land they can call home.  But they must accept that they are immigrants from Europe who migrated into the Middle East as a result of Zionism.


Therefore the only solution is one Palestine. Under one Palestine the European immigrants would have full citizenship  and there will be one government and one system of religion.  They must all know that they have all been deceived. And there can never be world peace until the world know who I Am and they are not.  Their hatred is based on a lie!


There must be equal rights in the schools and in business opportunities as must America change its positions in the middle east.


If they go up against this decision we will have no choice but to advance our research in the area of hydrogen fuel.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

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