Saturday, July 26, 2014

A World Without AIDS

A World Without AIDS


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones - aka Apostle Paul Castellano


I think we figured out the easy part, which is finding the cure to AIDS.  But now we will be faced with another challenge.  What do we do with all these people, who in the plans of the Illuminati were setup to die and/or cost the government in medical costs, while making the pharmaceutical industry wealthier by the day.


Bill Gates made a wise decision to enter the pharmaceutical industry through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He has a lot of billionaires down with him now.  So the money is there to end AIDS, though that may not have been the intentions of the alliances to prevent and find a cure to AIDS.


Due to what is about to be revealed, because I know Paul Castellano doesn't make mistakes and he would have never handed them the power to kill him.  Therefore, whatever my blood does to prevent the spread of this virus is the answer to this quiz.


My concern is the aftermath, because finding the cure so soon was never the intent, but you already put your money up, so I guess I will be collecting my share soon.



I call on $100B for the cure at 51% share of the control of these medications.  I call on the end of the drug wars and a settlement with the cartels to enhance economic growth and reduce crime as being contingent to the release of AIDS cure.  I call on the government and the private sector to come up with $500B+ to be used to begin the process of rehabilitating all these nations who have been devastated by this biological weapon placed upon them by the United States of America, under the Ronald Reagan Administration.  And they know I am the true emancipator of the world.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones - aka Apostle Paul Castellano

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