It's Better to be
Alone than be in Disharmony
By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones - aka Apostle Paul Castellano
I looks like the journey between me and NaQuila has come to
an end. It seemed to upset her that I wrote the letter "NaQuila
the Mystery Woman." She went to
banging on my door and windows harder and harder, while I was trying to sleep,
so that she can chastise me all night. For a long time, she did not respect me.
She found comfort in calling me outside of my name regularly and saying all
types of rude things to me on a regular basis. Then kiss me and makeup and
think it is all good, but I be traumatized.
And cannot understand why I act the way I do towards her for days
after. While she has no respect for me,
she honors the white man (the police) and follows his orders without question. This has long gone out of control too long.
Now she is no longer allowed to come to my home, because it
would be trespassing onto my property, only because I asked her to leave and
she refused. But when the police said go, she went. This was something I did
not want to do, but had to make this order to gain back some of my dignity and
respect at my home. Because as long as she is unruly towards me, nobody and
especially those who sent her will ever respect me. Her constant disrespect is a joking matter to
them. They talk about this relationship
and laugh at me. And I am so tired of
the dishonor and disrespect, simply because people do not know what I am
talking about and is too lazy to do their research or know the truth but want
to keep others from seeing the light, because they love darkness.
NaQuila complained to the police about what I wrote, but she
told me this stuff. Was I supposed to keep this a secret and still make
decisions based on it? That would have
been crazy! She said her mother was a
culprit and her father didn't know. She said her mother was an Eastern Star in
on a plot against me. She said the Prince
Hall Freemasons sent her and brainwashed her into thinking these untrue ideas
about me. And she said, I was in on it, more than once. Was I supposed to keep this a secret, when I
know everything I plan, seems to never happen here. Which tells me, she is probably
on point. They are against me! But how
about her?
I cannot keep allowing my cousin John Moss to keep reporting
to his Masonic Order about me and say nothing about it. I can not keep allowing
a woman to talk down to me whenever she feels like it, because she has sex with
me. And no woman owns me sexually or otherwise.
Even before I consummated Janet, I impregnated Lori and therefore never
promised monogamy to any woman. NaQuila
made it clear she wasn't down with this, so what she need to do, is decide what
she wants and be real about it, so I can make her request known.
No woman can come into my life and change anything about my
mission. Sure you can comfort me and be my friend. But no woman has the right
to rule over me or chastise me, but must be submissive always and respectful, she
must be one who is quick to listen and slow to speak. She was just the opposite. Whenever she gets
angry, she goes on and on and tonight she got mad, because I didn't open my
door at about 12:00 AM, so she can tell it like it is until 5 in the morning.
Now 2:00 AM, she is ringing my phone constantly. I do not call this respect for a man
regardless of his stature.
I guess I will be alone for awhile or until someone who
truly believes in me comes into my life or I complete my mission. I do not want people in my home at all, who
has a problem with me being the Son of Man. I feel I should have peace of mind
and no doubts about me in my home, even if it means being alone.
Like I said, I owe NaQuila, but as long as she has in her
mind, she can disrespect me, not listen to what I say and accuse me of
outrageous accusations and not respect my decisions concerning my home to be
built and who will be who in it. She will just have a debt in an escrow account
People need to understand, I am not a joke, this is real and
not a rehearsal. I know what they tried
to do to me and I am not playing games with any of you anymore. If what NaQuila
said was true, now it has come to the light and is ready for resolution. But if
she was playing me, because she thinks I am a stupid veteran about to get paid
who is really crazy, she played herself. Regardless at the end game the truth
will come to the light and until then, I do not want anyone as close to me as
NaQuila has become.
My problem with her was, she was verbally very disrespectful
towards me and will get physical over things because she thinks she can do
this. She says I mistreated her, but that isn't my duty, I am to be
served. And never in my history has
anyone spoken to me like she did. She prides herself in saying, "I am the
only one who doesn't know her," as a threat or warning. The problem is
after all these years, she really doesn't know me at all. And I am trying to
help her and not hurt her and everything in my life is calculated on a
scorecard and when they come for me, everything becomes known and then John J.
Gotti under Paul Castellano does what they do.
Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano
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