Friday, May 22, 2015

THC Toxicology Testing to Deny Veterans Benefits Unconstitutional

THC Toxicology Testing to Deny Veterans Benefits Unconstitutional
Reported By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ
Fact pattern: THC is a schedule three substance based on FDA Approved Research.  But many veterans are being subjected to taking toxicology test to deteremine if they are using illgeal drugs and one such test is a THC screening.  If THC is found in the urine of Veterans who are homeless they are denied benefits due to the illegal use of drugs, because THC is found in marijuana.
THC is a schedule three drug and marijuana is a schedule one drug based on the DEA. However, to be detemined a schedule one drug, it must be researched under the authority of the Attorney General. Under the Richard Nixon Administration, no such research took place, making the war on drugs unconstitutional. In fact it was recommended by a commisssion to decriminalize marjuana.
Also understand in 2004 under the George W. Bush administration, THC was tested without the other active chemical in marijuana and was determined to be a schedule three drug. Therefore to establish anyone broke the law and used illelgal marijuana, it would require a CBD toxicology test.  They illegal and schudule one chemical in marijauana is CBD, which is the miricle drug the pharmecutical industry do not want to evfer be used to help people, because it is a mirilce drug that can lead to many cures.
Hyperlink Above:
Schedule I
Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous drugs of all the drug schedules with potentially severe psychological or physical dependence. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are:
heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote
Marijuana Drug Law Unconstitutional
For complete Document Hyperlink Above:
Before proceeding to control a drug under this process, the Attorney General also must request from the Secretary of DHHS a scientific and medical evaluation of the drug and make a recommendation as to whether the drug should be controlled and, if so, under what schedule. In making such a recommendation, the Secretary of DHHS must take into consideration factors (2), (3), (6), (7) and (8) and any scientific and medical considerations involved in factors (1), (4) and (5) as described above.
Richard Nixon's Attroney General  Attorney General, John N. Mitchell, never did any research and therefore this was an uncostitutional act.  Yet marijauna became a schedule one drug to create an unconstitional war on drugs.
Click Hyperlink:
In June 1971, President Nixon declared a “war on drugs.” He dramatically increased the size and presence of federal drug control agencies, and pushed through measures such as mandatory sentencing and no-knock warrants. Nixon temporarily placed marijuana in Schedule One, the most restrictive category of drugs, pending review by a commission he appointed led by Republican Pennsylvania Governor Raymond Shafer. In 1972, the commission unanimously recommended decriminalizing the possession and distribution of marijuana for personal use. Nixon ignored the report and rejected its recommendations.
Hyperlink to full article: Friday, July 23, 2010 at 7:02 pm
In a historic decision, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs will now formally allow patients treated at its hospitals and clinics to use medical marijuana in states where it is legal.
In the state of California and all states that allow medical marijuana use  and is illegal to deny veterans the right to use marijuana by Veterans Policy and Federal Law.
Furthermore: Like I said THC is already a schedule three drug, so it is not an indicator in any state of marijuana use, but the use of the legal THC chemical, the drug needed to determine illgal drug us is CBD.

The Potential Miracle Element in Cannabis That Changed Sanjay Gupta's Mind About the Power of Pot:

Hyperlink above for full article:
Smoke Signalsis an unmatched illustration of the science behind the cannabis plant. Perhaps the most stunning revelations in Lee's book are those focused on the little-known "Cinderella molecule" in the cannabis plant, called cannabidiol (CBD). CBD gives marijuana some of most wide-ranging healing properties in medicinal history, but doesn't get you stoned like THC.

I think this would be a no brainer in the supreme court. I get out a veteran for illegal drug use and found he was positive of cannabidiol (CBD).   Therefore I kicked him out of homeless shelter program.

What do this organizations prohibit Marijuana?

The secret wife of J. Edgar Hoover, whose name was Martha Beall Mitchell is the key.

Martha Mitchell effect:

The Martha Mitchell effect is the process by which a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health clinician mistakes the patient's perception of real events as delusional and misdiagnoses accordingly.

J. Edgar Hoover Part 16 of 22

Society of Former Agents – M.A. Jones to Mr. Grady Memo:

Ms. Mitchell and J. Edgar Hoover: Remember Ms. Mitchell is Martha Beall Mitchell, who is supposed to be married to John N. Mitchell in her second marriage, with one son from the first marriage. These guys to do mate with women with children from other men. Both kids are his and that was his exit plan.


Martha Beall Mitchell (September 2, 1918 – May 31, 1976) was the wife of John N. Mitchell, United States Attorney General under President Richard Nixon

Dickerson Naylor Hoover is Martha Elizabeth Mitchell his wife. She has 39 cases and a focus on SOLO.

Operation SOLO:
Morris H. Childs 

Son of J. Edgar Hoover and first born Clyde Jay Jennings marries Janis Crawford
Paul Savidge marries his daughter Martha Elizabeth Mitchell.

This is his money trial, probably into the trillions. Think about what they did and for how long?   

Mental illness is not even a science and was all part of the J.Edgar Hoover conspiracy to overthrow the United States Constitution.  Anyone who suspected something was wrong was called mentally ill.  And they want veteran to think they are crazy to keep thme on these posions.

J. Edgar Hoover Descendant of Hans Rohrback of Bavaria and is the Illuminati and this is what is menat by:

Matthew 8:22 NIV Version which I wrote to fulfill.

But Jesus told him, "Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead."

Apostle Paul Castellano  

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