Saturday, May 16, 2015

T-House aka Beyond Shelter a Lamp Community Fraudulent Operation

T-House aka Beyond Shelter a Lamp Community Fraudulent Operation

Directive by Apostle Paul Castellano

The whole WEINGART operation is connected to the Nazis.  This operation is very abusive and totally illegal.  The director or man running the show is Mr. Green.  He is abusive to the residents and always threatens to put them out if they do not follow the rules.  Problem there are no rules, he makes them up as his secret boss tells he to abuse people.  But Mr. Green is really just the janitor who worked for this fraud ring for 25 years at chump change pay.

What is sickening is he has all the keys and tell the security men what to do. But I always thought the security handled the keys?  He kicks all the tenants out every weekday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and tells them this is a 14 hours shelter, but e pay them for a bed daily which is 24 hours.  Then I said 24-8 = 16 hours, so I see his math is bad.

He yells at all the men and make them listen to his terroristic threats, about them giving him 70% of their money or being but out.  He tells them if you say you are here for a bed, you got to go, everyone here has to be here for services. But the only service they offer is the 12 step program, which is a false religion sanctioned by the government and forced on people by Judge Order?

DUI 12 steps, domestic dispute 12 steps, Alcohol problems 12 steps, they believe in a god of their own understanding meaning themselves, they believe god is a higher power, they talk about a spiritual awakening and if you follow these principles you will DIE SOBER?  This is the only religion I know that has a god that promises you that if you follow me, you will Die!  And whose religion is this?  The Homosexuals.

Now do you own research which is within this blog.  Adolf Hitler got married to Eva in 1946
in Argentina and J. Edgar Hoover had a secret wife and two children collecting big money to we found them.  So I see a lot of homosexuals thinking they was in on something with the Nazis.  They believed the Nazis were homosexuals when they are sympathizers. 

But these fools are getting married on record at the courts, in public demanding all this special privileges and getting the royal treatment.  You cannot even hate one of them or you are a criminal of hate crimes, but it is alright for them to steal from God?  Charity belongs to God.

Now when I send them back to their makers as they say god made them like this. This too is a false religion.  In the Artiest world the term God is forbidden period. They are becoming the most hated people in America, because they do bitch ass shit to people, like in Hollywood and in these charities.  They are being setup to be killed off.  But I am the enemy?  With Satan they are damned if they do and damned if the don't, with me they just need to man up.

Mr. Green is a fool looking at 20 years easy. He seems to be a homosexual bully, given false authority to mistreat people and the director never shows up. The director goes under investigation for allowing this and Green cannot work there much longer.

All I can say, is that a lot of Eminent Domain Recovery is about to take place. Non Profit, belongs to the people and not the corporation. If we determine we no longer need their services, that is enough reason to take back my shit.

Apostle Paul Castellano

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