Monday, May 18, 2015

Non Profit Crimes Against Humanity & The Eminent Domain Orders

The office of Mr. Green the Janitor Posing as Program Director
Non Profit Crimes Against Humanity & The Eminent Domain Orders
Investigative Report by: King Jesus Paul Solomon

What I will demonstrate is nationwide systematic non profit fraudulent activities in an attempt to overthrow our nation under the United States Constitution.  And we will use Los Angeles Skid Row Community as a template to enforce nationwide in all the Skid Rows of America.

I ask my Case Manager for the Program Director's name, you know the person who pays them all and is responsible for this facility  and the consumers' here. He is the one who hired the personnel, he is the one who assigns them to jobs to carry out the purpose and agenda.  He is the one responsible for all the services that nobody gets here.  His answer: I do not know.  So I asked to see him a little later, because these people have given nobody here one dime in services since the been here.
As for Mr. Green, he is the janitor, who told everyone in here, if you do not clean up, I am putting you out. If you do not give me 70% of your money and I find out you got money, I am putting you out. He is the on who keep telling people this is a 14 hours shelter go every morning at 8:00 AM get out.  He is the one who just put everybody out even on a Saturday, to have extermination done and for the last to nights, I heard many of these consumers complaining about bed bugs.  Where is this receipt for services?  And he is the one who was told they must downsize to about 40 or 50 beds and what does he do? Close down 40% of the shelter and place people 3 feet apart?
The IRS came here, but I did not see an arrest yet!
This is a picture of all these unused beds

This is a picture of how they placed consumers in close proximity
And more Unused Beds
They Claim:
Earlier this year, the Department of Veterans Affairs offered the county an estimated $772,000 to fund a 2014 homeless count that might have cleared up some of the confusion. The homeless authority's commission, made up of 10 mayoral and county supervisor appointees, said that negotiations with the VA over the contract had broken down.
This is how they gain funding for non profit homeless programs:  They say these are the problems I need funding for and tell you we never got the money, so things just get worst under their watch. Making the Lamp Community the Problem in Skid Row and not the solution. And by the way The Lamp Community as discussed already has over $6,000,000 right now. Every 501 c 3, is supposed to spend every penny by fiscal year end.  What they is just split it in bonuses to those who help them steal.  All you see is new cars driven by these employees and no money spent on the intended consumers.

Why Are People Homeless?  These article gain the funding.

A lack of affordable housing and the limited scale of housing assistance programs have contributed to the current housing crisis and to homelessness. Recently, foreclosures have also increased the number of people who experience homelessness.

The National Low Income Housing Coalition estimates that the 2013 Housing Wage is $18.79, exceeding the $14.32 hourly wage earned by the average renter by almost $4.50 an hour, and greatly exceeding wages earned by low income renter households.

Homelessness and poverty are inextricably linked. Poor people are frequently unable to pay for housing, food, childcare, health care, and education. Difficult choices must be made when limited resources cover only some of these necessities. Often it is housing, which absorbs a high proportion of income that must be dropped. If you are poor, you are essentially an illness, an accident, or a paycheck away from living on the streets.
Two factors help account for increasing poverty:
  • Lack of Employment Opportunities – With unemployment rates remaining high, jobs are hard to find in the current economy. Even if people can find work, this does not automatically provide an escape from poverty.
  • Decline in Available Public Assistance – The declining value and availability of public assistance is another source of increasing poverty and homelessness and many families leaving welfare struggle to get medical care, food, and housing as a result of loss of benefits, low wages, and unstable employment. Additionally, most states have not replaced the old welfare system with an alternative that enables families and individuals to obtain above-poverty employment and to sustain themselves when work is not available or possible. 
Other major factors, which can contribute to homelessness, include:
  • Lack of Affordable Health Care – For families and individuals struggling to pay the rent, a serious illness or disability can start a downward spiral into homelessness, beginning with a lost job, depletion of savings to pay for care, and eventual eviction.
  • Domestic Violence – Battered women who live in poverty are often forced to choose between abusive relationships and homelessness. In addition, 50% of the cities surveyed by the U.S. Conference of Mayors identified domestic violence as a primary cause of homelessness (U.S. Conference of Mayors, 2005).
  • Mental Illness – Approximately 16% of the single adult homeless population suffers from some form of severe and persistent mental illness (U.S. Conference of Mayors, 2005).
  • Addiction – The relationship between addiction and homelessness is complex and controversial. Many people who are addicted to alcohol and drugs never become homeless, but people who are poor and addicted are clearly at increased risk of homelessness.

This week, a Los Angeles County health program, called Housing for Health, is relocating to the heart of skid row in an effort to reduce the area's homeless population and improve residents' health. The $18 million program will move to the ground floor of a $40 million, 100-unit apartment building for homeless people.

September 12, 2014

  • Equity from 9% low-income housing tax credit equity provided by The Enterprise Social Investment Corp: $6.7 million
  • Community Development Commission of Los Angeles County, soft financing: $1 million
  • Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco, Affordable Housing Program grant, through Citibank: $685,000
  • General partner loan: $400,000
  • Deferred developer fee: $334,000
  • Los Angeles Housing Department, soft loan: $300,000
  • General partner contribution: $205,000
  • Soft loan construction loan interest: $53,000
 Total development cost:$9.7 million
 The Reality on Skid Row
Where is the Money?
Fact: In 1956, the city of Los Angeles was in the midst of a program to "rehabilitate" Skid Row[7] through the clearance of decaying buildings.[8] The program was presented to property owners in the area as an economy measure. Gilbert Morris, then Superintendent of Building, said that at that point the provision of free social services to the approximately one square mile of Skid Row cost the city over $5,000,000 per year as opposed to the city average of $110,000 per square mile annually.[7] The city used administrative hearings to compel the destruction of nuisance properties at the expense of the owner. By July 1960 the clearance program was said to be 87% complete in the Skid Row area.[8]
The Los Angeles City Council authorized a $3.7-million skid row cleanup plan Tuesday that will expand 24-hour bathroom access and expand storage to comply with a court injunction against destroying personal property homeless people keep in the streets.
Skid Row, Hollywood and East Los Angeles in its jurisdiction, receives $4,329 per homeless person in a mix of local and federal funds.   For what every month? Or what they get to help these people in food, clothing, shelter and services?  $144.30 per day.  But I have been here for one month and a half and still have not received on penny from these people and get one slice of baloney  and chips for lunch and only two meals on the weekend?
The heart of Los Angeles’ Skid Row is comprised of roughly 50 city blocks (0.4 square miles) of the greater downtown area, generally east of the Downtown Historic Core and the high-rise district of Bunker Hill.  It has been defined as being bounded by 3rd Street on the north, 7th Street on the south, Main Street on the west and Alameda Street on the east. 
Where is this place at?
Star Apartments is the newest facility in L.A.'s Skid Row focused on combating the downtown area's homelessness crisis, The Los Angeles Times reported. The 102-unit complex will also be home to L.A. County's Department of Health Services' Housing for Health division, which is focused on improving the health of the region's homeless population through various services. The division hopes to house 10,000 people over the next decade through its services.

These fraudulent activities are a nationwide problem in an attempt to overthrow the United States Constitution in an attempt to create anarchy and destroy the people of our great nation.  And for this reason we have no option, due to time sensitivity to enforce a nationwide eminent domain action to recover all 501 c 3 properties to prevent this overthrow.

Eminent Domain

The power to take private property for public use by a state, municipality, or private person or corporation authorized to exercise functions of public character, following the payment of just compensation to the owner of that property.

Federal, state, and local governments may take private property through their power of eminent domain or may regulate it by exercising their Police Power. The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires the government to provide just compensation to the owner of the private property to be taken. A variety of property rights are subject to eminent domain, such as air, water, and land rights. The government takes private property through condemnation proceedings.

Throughout these proceedings, the property owner has the right of due process.
Eminent domain is a challenging area for the courts, which have struggled with the question of whether the regulation of property, rather than its acquisition, is a taking requiring just compensation. In addition, private property owners have begun to initiate actions against the government in a kind of proceeding called inverse condemnation.

Who owns 501c 3 Properties

The nonprofit organization is not “owned” by the person or persons that started it.  It is a public organization that belongs to the public at-large.  The parties responsible to operate the organization for the stakeholders are the members of the board of directors.

Also, a nonprofit corporation cannot be sold.  It is simply not possible.  If a nonprofit corporation were to “close down”, or dissolve, the board of directors of the nonprofit must distribute all of the nonprofit’s assets to another nonprofit corporation after all debts have been settled.

Police Power under The United States Constitution:

In United States constitutional law, police power is the capacity of the states to regulate behavior and enforce order within their territory for the betterment of the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of their inhabitants.

God is love and love is synonymous in the scriptures to the term charity.

All properties recovered by the government goes to the National Community Network, INC, who will manage these properties and the people will have to receive a class action  lawsuit wherever these properties are seized.
By Orders of King Jesus Paul Solomon

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