Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Florida Governor Race

To: The New World Order
From: Jesus Christ
RE: Florida Governor Race
Date: 22 October 2014

I have to put my support behind Charlie Crist over Rick. Scott  a few reasons.

1: For 5 years I was mistreated in Florida under his watch, that is Rick Scott.  So will it be safe for me to return if he remains in office. This is a national security issue.

2: I know Rick Scott is a crook and he is not working for me. Therefore it is for personal gain.   SB 1030 was a corrupt bill he had written and passed.  His eyes is on the marijuana industry. He plans to monopolize it. He gave all the CBC plants which is the miracle drug in marijuana.  He authorized only five farms out of 7,001 farms in the state of Florida all the license to grow at a minimum 240,000 plants each. We are tailing about  1,250,000 plants that can grow at least 5 to 10 feet.  We are talking about enough of that stuff to control the whole CBC market in the the United States and  being put into a position to be a step ahead of the rest of America in this industry.  If he tries to tax me to hard we might have a problem.

3: He is against Obama-care and for us to distribute of weed, we want to do it by billing Medicaid.  Meaning we can issue high quality marijuana at high prices and just bill Medicaid and the pharmaceutical industry will save a lot of money in the process. Rick's plan is to pimp niggers and make us still but it but from him.

4: I know he has a different plans than us and Charlie is on our team.  Why? The code and challenge.  Charlie plans to give back all non violent offender their rights back.  Rick plan to continue placing them in prison if they sell weed, because he will be the drug dealer in Florida.  But Charlie Crist just told the world, hey, when they legalize marijuana< I will give it to you for free  through Obama-care, free them rom prison and give them their voting rights back. he just told me, he wants to work for us. We are asking about a weed industry worth at least $50 Billion annually. or My 10% equals $5 Billion per year, those who have ear and eye understand the financial implication as to why we cannot risk Scott in State Capital for another 4 years, at this time in history.  I could cost someone like 30% of $50 Billion plus it will grow or $15 Billion per year.  So do you want this to happen?

I can go on and on, but I wrote that man, while I was in the hospital being held hostage illegally and he was with them, so he cannot have that job and survive it for 4 years, because he will anger a lot of people.  Trust me?

Rev Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ.

PS: If I was Ric Scott, I would try to lose and take my money and run, because you get no more of my money and it all means.  I planned this too long to allow a punk ass bitch to steal my joy.

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