Wednesday, October 1, 2014

To: Rev. Farrakhan - Letters - The Teachings of Lucifer

To: Rev. Louis Farrakhan - Letters Made Open to Public
From: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ
RE: The Teachings of Lucifer
Date: 1 October 2014

First of all wear it as a badge of honor.  And have this knowledge made available to the public by time my album drops.

Both Lucifer and Apostle Paul Castellano are alter egos. I was there when  you made your declaration of war against me. All I can tell you was I was told to go there and say nothing and do not be afraid.   I was there and had no idea why or what you were saying was against me. You saw Frank Paul Jones, but who was talking through you that day?  Tell me? Because good shit talkers can talk shit out of nowhere and feel they received a spirit. How did you feel that day? Or how do you feel all the time. Like God is with you?

I created two alter egos that allowed me to run both sides against the middle. I know you love me, but I am not sure about your crew.  See the Nation of Islam had to be planned as far back as the bible being written.  You was planned in advance.  It started with that spy and my family was a major part of the anti-Christ, because they were the Nation of Islam, that you took control of.  The Nation of Islam is the equivalent of the Nazi party and was the final assault against God, to prove I am not shit, in the Battle of Armageddon or the Fall of America, which you thought was your prophesy to fulfill, when it was the end game for the Reich, who may be located at the The Royal Residences, making Austria their Pentagon or military headquarters.

But we fight over creating democracies, like if this is Hollywood Shows shit.  This is the reality of who rules this world and how. Our only defence against European aggression based on lies is that people know the truth. I know I always loved Minister Louis Farrakhan. Now who did he love inside his heart.  God or Satan?  White Supremacy or a Black God running shit. No fucking brainier! You just did not know it was me, hell maybe they had you thinking it was you, another trick of his deceiving trades. Only you can right who you are?

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ
The Emancipator of the World 

To: The Emancipated Church
From: Jesus Christ

Interesting: Hyperlink Above:

From this article above. It would make a great template, but we must remember they are planning something to make it believable. They are only scheming.

There is a common fallacy in the world about the relationship between God and Satan. We have been taught that Satan opposes God out of hate. Satan doesn’t hate God. No where in the scriptures do you find this. The truth is that God and Satan are closer than we may imagine. Just like two enemies who are on opposing sides but yet they respect and know each other more than anyone else. God and Satan actually have very similar intentions for the universe but where they differ is where they oppose.

We need to teach something of this nature, concerning Lucifer and Satan. Satan (The Kingdom of Satan) is the Royal Family, Lucifer was a worker.  Like Adolf Hitler was a worker. The creation of Satan didn't 't require a Lucifer, other than all these false preachers.

They are creating a story of made up shit to create an idea that this is real, when it is all a fantasy, I had to make reality. And we get to define every character because we won the war. Lucifer was the ultimate recruitment by Satan that backfired. Because under the rules of the bible, Lucifer worked for me. Just about Everything Rev. Farrakhan did I made happen. I know I was there World Day of Atonement (1996). That was his marching orders. They were told things like, remember "when you sell drugs you sign on the doted line and Satan can take it back at anytime."   False!  In fact I am going to make you his worst enemy.

If that judgment was good enough for Farrakhan it is even more fitting for the Royal Family. Give them drugs, make them worry about their Home Security issues. Who you think is behind the Secret Service bullshit. And you never give a woman a man's job. We need to design a world not to give the weaker the power to rule over the strong. But make our strong do right by the weak.

What happens when we make all these agreements with puck motherfuckers? They are not going for it, no more than  I to these Royal Frauds. We must not go to sleep at the Heaven Gates again. Don't make deals with weak men and say you are now a leader of a nation and we will protect you. No way!  That is what they want you to do and why I said make the deal with Bashar al-Assad. He is a man.  If he goes against his word we kill him and not the whole world, because it is costing me too much assets.  If you hire bitches to do a man's job, why not say hey Michael J. Jackson singer/song writer. Rev. Farrakhan is not the man we want to do business with anymore.  I place you over the Nation of Islam and we will protect you. But who will follow and even if we stopped Farrakhan from taking it back, someone else will take it or try. Because Michael doesn't have the ability to lead this organization. Stop listening to them, they are all in your house meanwhile we are still acting like we do not know it is them and that is how they have you conditioned to think. To always give them shit like if is theirs to have. Stop this!

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

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