Saturday, August 23, 2014

Black America's Mindset and Physical Reality

Black America's Mindset and Physical Reality


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


First let us look at the African American mindset, state of mind, attitude and approach.  I am 55 years old and saw the 1960's.  Black people mobilized behind certain black leaders and Dr. King is still spoken about as if he fulfilled his mission and not just leave the world with his dream to never be realized.  But I ask what was his promise and by whose authority was this to be carried out?  He talked a good game, but once we no longer supported him and left him on his own, he was whacked, because he really did not have all that power. He became an arrogant mouthpiece and his bluff was called.


Now in 2014, we still have Ferguson City's in our nation, which is no more than the Confederation abusing State Rights to oppress black's through systematic political disenfranchisement as was the South in the 1960's and to some degree still is.  I never saw us fight so many wars around the world!  War after war we are in  battle, without any end in sight all over the world. AIDS killed almost 2 million people as of 2012 worldwide and AIDS will cost the United States Government about $30B in fiscal year 2015 and about $200B since 2009.  The drug war has incarcerated over 2.2 million people, while costing us about $51B annually or about $1 Trillion over the extend of the lie called a war on drugs, 2% of the nation controls 50% of the wealth, meanwhile most American's are just two paycheck checks from homelessness or government dependence and that is only counting the black people who have jobs, while black unemployment is about twice that of white unemployment at about 12%, but what people need to understand is the jobless rate of black male teens is 92%.




{The unemployment rate that the government puts out, that one number makes it look like we have a bang-up job creation market that's just cranked up and going full speed. And the only reason that number is 6.7% is because the vast majority, the 92 million Americans not working, are not counted as unemployed}.


Black America has seemed to have taken the position that we suffered so bad, for so long, that the world owes us everything. But I teach that we have overcome Satan's rein, but the world just do not know it yet.  So where am I going with this?  My point is that we as a community of people have become so profound in ignorance, sophisticated religion, politics and lies, that we learned to articulate it into something of our own.  We have adopted the Bible as a tool of oppression instead of a come up.  And if you understand the bible is a self fulfilling prophecy and what will happen is what the world believe, which really comes down to what do you really want?   And now black people feel all they have to do is wait on the Lord of a promise of eternal social programs, in a future without any meaning. Is heaven and the second coming of the Lord to black people, eternal retirement, for all our years of suffering on earth. And now you have a problem with a messenger that is telling you, there is just not enough recourses on earth to sustain such foolishness.


I see black America as a nation of people who laid down, died and gave up, because they were scattered in the 1960's, because it just wasn't time for what was going on. They have us screwed up and I can see it from the inside as I was also made a victim.  Our main problems is hopelessness that leads to drug and alcohol abuse, giving up on everything we start on when things don't go our way, feeling we are owed something, but have no idea how to get the debt paid so we get angry and riot, the crab mentality that states "bring someone down to your level, rather learning to go to a higher level in life," holding on to deeply embedded lies for social gain, which is the case of many religious people worldwide.  How can all these people around the world know the one living God and the world is in such a condition it is in? Because most people really do not believe in God, but merely are afraid of Satan.  They turn to God, because they cannot overcome Satan rule over them and what they come to see as sinful nature. While they say their duty is to serve God, they are actually self serving.  Because the truth is, they do not serve God, but God is carrying and serving them.  Mankind never served God, but was under Satan rein in the beginning was darkness, now what does that tell you?


We are in a mindset whereby we have become so smart, we decided to become idle and do nothing while the world is going to the shits. Where are the protesters and the hell with Ferguson City, because they are just too lazy to vote and that is their problem in a nutshell. Will someone tell them to register to vote and then make their compliant and it will be heard.  Let us question the 2.2 million dead from AIDS, the ongoing wars to protect the interest of those we owe interest payments to due to a national debt, thereby creating a continued budget deficit, therefore increasing the national debt, we know we can never payback.  Meanwhile I say AIDS is curable, you call me a lunatic, but do not even question how they just came up with this mystery cure for the Ebola virus.


Black's consist of almost half the prison population in the United States at 551,154 of 1,511,480 the people in jail and prisons around the country. 


"In the 1960s, the passage of the Voting Rights Act led to a drop in the number of American adults who were disenfranchised. In the 1970s, as the drug warriors gained steam, that trend reversed. According to The Sentencing Project, the disenfranchised population soared from just under 1.2 million in the mid-1970s to almost 6 million in 2010. Of that number, 5.5 million were ex-felons." (by Joshua Holland).  This is our reality!  We have been disenfranchised through a systemic program designed just for this.


How do a disenfranchised community redevelop their community, create economic prosperity for its people, overcome the many social issues effecting us and act as a unified group to accomplish our goals? And understand political disenfranchisement usually is coupled with literacy and high crime rates.


We must use our idle time to accomplish community improvements.  Most of us are without job, so what is it so hard to volunteer to help yourselves?  Understand, we as a black community is financially broke and rather you believe me or not, understand and know that nobody especially (aka Apostle Paul Castellano) is going to invest a lot of money in bunch unproven, disloyal people without track records of any accomplishments.


I work as a volunteer, yet I tell you, we won the Economic Third World War and I am wealthiest man on earth, but is leading by example.  If you understand the accounting system used in non profit 501 c 3 public charities, and how In-Kind Contributions or volunteerism becomes revenue to the non profit to be use as matching funds in future grant solicitations, when we understand that the principles behind community events is not just to draw crowds together in chaos, but to create revenue in our community and come together as a means to solve problems and organize ourselves to be productive as a community.


When we come to this realization and understanding, we will understand that helping the National Community Network, INC., is not about helping me or us, because I am and we are the main Funders of this organization since our organization was founded. Nobody in this community donates to us but the white businesses, yet we put up a pro black fight.  Why?  Because is seems white people are more educated and therefore understand my message and is choosing their side in history. If I have to work with white people more than blacks, so be it, I do not really need the Prince Hall or So-called Christians as much as you think, on the contrary they need me.  I took the world with the Mafia and can run it with them, if it comes down to this.


We haven't even sold one breakfast in three days, which is a fundraiser to support us in paying our overhead, while I search for about  $2,500 for Thanksgiving Free meals, Come up with about $5,000 - $10,000 for Black Friday's youth event, called Games for Gifts.  But do to non profit accounting we still created over $1,699.20 in revenue and expenses last week. We want to at least give 50 kids something worth about $100 each and in the closing event on Saturday 29 November at the Community Center that will require another $40,000 or a total of about $50,000. 


Meanwhile, I also committed myself to recording a CD called Social Impact, which is getting no support so far, because it requires a bunch of unproven local artist to act as independent thinker and volunteers, but they want to get paid before they prove they are even marketable. My offer is lets create a complete project for the world to come and know you.


Our problem is we are waiting to die to go to heaven. Be it fantasy or real, it doesn't change the scripture which states, 2 Thessalonians 3:10 "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, If any will not work, neither let him eat." 


It doesn't say if and when the white man cease to give you employment and during tough economic time such as the end of these times, that you stop harvesting your community and what on God to serve you. But it says:


James 2:26  "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead."


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

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