Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Control Future Population of the World

The Control Future Population of the World


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


I guess I agreed to fulfill the prophesy and not change it.  However, once one understands who they are and the relevance of certain things we take for granted as Godly and by taking it out of context, based on an idea that is not factual, we are left totally confused.


The subject of the day is reproduction and reproduction rights, population control and the needed inhabitants to carryout our mission into the future.  The key is what is the mission of mankind in to the future.  How many people can we maintain on earth and how do we utilized the inhabitants on earth to obtain a higher calling.


Now follow me: 


Genesis 1:28


God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground."


Decoded we discovered it true meaning.


1:28) The founding fathers favored them and said to them, “Be productive and increase in number, fulfill reality and control it.  Rule over the gullible and the simple minded and over every servant of oppression.” 


The idea people have is that God created us to have a bunch of babies to populate the earth.  But what people do not understand is the this law wasn't written for the slaves but for the slave masters. For this reason as you can see the African Slaves was among those to be ruled over.


So when we create children, they see us as cattle to be used to eat of off and to care for their land. Therefore they regulate us through unnecessary wars, drug infestation, the criminal system and diseases.  The goal is to control the population by killing us off and thereby protect and maintain a sustainable amount of resources and energy.  The rational is that they cannot allow overpopulation of the world and that is the limit to their vision.


While sex was made to feel good, based on this scripture we associate sex with sin,  or a evil desire, when we all know we do this for pleasure, even when we are not trying to make more babies, knowing our financial limits, sexual relations do not cease.  This also goes on to morals and what is the natural desire of man sexually.  This goes to Sodomy.  For be fruitful and multiply, we think everybody must make babies as a part of God's plan, to have sex is to make babies, to what I like to do to get a nut comes into question. All based on a lie, that we were meant be fruitful and multiply, but the Devil is killing us everyday. No!  Satan never meant that scripture for the African Slaves as other than something to act as a stumbling block.


Here is where homosexuals come in.  Getting head and anal sex is forbidden, because you cannot multiply by doing this.  Therefore anything two people of the same sex do sexually is forbidden.   But it is all based on a lie, because it was never meant as a marching order for slaves. It's like the white man's god is the black man's Satan and Satan assigned the white man's god to rule over the black man. But, not the case for Arabs, Asians and Europeans?     


I can control how we procreate from the air we breath to the water we drink to the food we it and how it is processed.  I cannot control the sexual behavior of people in their homes.  I know that sex is a learned behavior and if is a predisposition in one's DNA it will be proven or disproved.  And the decision will be made.


Therefore if I grant sex to mankind as a means of pleasure, which is what it has became and really always was, while children was the consequence fro many, it would be considered condoning lust.  However, even the origin of lust is based on the lie, that we were created to multiply, when we were the one's being setup to be controlled.


Then comes the issue of marriage.  Our problem is all these terms comes with a meaning attached that has nothing to do with God.  What is a marriage?  What is the true purpose of sex?  And for those who say reproduction, than what is the purpose test-tube babies?  What is the real purpose of a marriage? And what constitutes a marriage? 


When you really look at all of these things, you will see that they were all based on the lie we were meant to procreate and multiply to rule over the world. When we were the slaves being ruled over.


Our laws concerning sex has to be relevant to our goal which is to conquer the universe. Apostle Paul Castellano will decide on this and if certain sexual practices must be forbidden, I will remove that desire from the minds of man.  The only way for us to go now is into space. We will have to really work as one unified group to create an environment that we will be able to manage the resources by creating and designing products that are meant to last.  And reduce wasteful spending on wars that destroy property, resources and people.


Then we will be able to work on two major things, #1: The code to the DNA #2: Long Range Space Travel Technology.


Before there can be everlasting life, there must first be everlasting resources.  Our man goal is to find new energy resources and habitable environments. It may require long term space travel and refueling station and/or a very long term fuel sources.  And most importantly the space travelers bodies must be preserved and designed to live much longer than we do now, to be able to fulfill all the requirements of these trips.


The way I see it, we are about to move leap years into the future, because Satan is simply incompetent compared to the spirit.  Any learned behavior I can make you unlearn, any DNA issue I can update, in every technology I am probably advanced by at least 100 years compared to mankind.  What they can only imagine, I can make reality.  I gave them their imagination to begin with.  I am not about a bunch of self righteous people making their comparisons based on their codes of discipline which is usually a front. But I am not running not freak show either.  I need people who are discipline and are willing to learn, in order to create the needed personnel on earth to carryout all aspect of our mission.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

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