Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Settlement In Progress

The Settlement In Progress

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

Our settlement is based on our paying the National Debt and making an agreement to get 10% of this nations budget to pay the Interest on the Debt and pay down on the actually debt of $16,787,451,118,147 or $16.8 Trillion, which would mean an income of $500 Billion until the debt is paid. 

I have contacted Bruce Cutler, who is John J. Gotti personal attorney.  By establishing John J. Gotti as my Agent with General Power of Attorney, this established Bruce Cutler as my representative with whatever authority John J. Gotti grants him. Now I have Mark Lippman, Esq. acting as my Veterans Law Lawyer, dealing with most of my federal legal matters and settlements, while Bruce Cutler should have full access to my assets, as determined by John J. Gotti legal arrangements.  Meaning now we can actually make moves!

I am in the process of making proposals, which are really offers nobody can refuse.  First I established Janet as Queen of Queens and gave her the responsibility of oversee Hollywood.  Therefore nothing goes down in Hollywood without it going through her and she does nothing that doesn't get passed me.

I therefore decided to set her net worth at $6 Billion, which is twice what Oprah has at $2.9 Billion.  This will establish a level of respect among her peers, while not creating jealousy because camaraderie will be important, but if anything creating goal and limits.  Due to the nature of entertainment, it must remain competitive, because creativity is its driving force.  Our goal is to allow more artistic control by artist with uplifting messages, who are being barred by the current industry obsessed with the degradation of mankind. I have a plan of action that goes all the way to how music is create and the overprice Music production Industry.  We plan to put out a superior DAW beyond Pro Tools, Cubase, Reason or any of them. But instead of charging $499 or $699 or $999, I want o charge $299.99 and if that is too much bring it down lower, for those with talent and no money, to help them get started.

I requested President Barack Obama Services, to appoint him President of Gambino Pharmaceuticals.  Giving him 5% of the profits, while I get 25%, 20% goes to the people he will need to make this happen, leaving 50% for John Gotti to negotiate to collect investment capital, from those so blessed to buy into this company that will control life expectancy among mankind.  We will set his net worth at $100 Billion, using Bill Gates net worth as a basis of limitation to how much any one man can have, who is down with me.  The net worth of $100 Billion is the most anyone can have, after that all their earnings must go to charity to solve the world's problems.

The reason for this is they are in non competitive positions and their continued progress cannot be profit motivated, but must be for service to humankind.  Bill Gates controls our  computer Software Operating Systems and will have to expand into areas such as Music Production Software and other Media Products, because it is always tied to Windows.  And if I have him handles this for me, using my advance technology, he has to be about problem solving and humankind advancements and not to make more money. We have all the money already, I won the game of monopoly, now lets learn the game of life.  Nobody can compete with me in economics, so why be motivated in doing something unless it is a part our big picture?  The idea of I want to get rich, must become I want to serve the real living King of kings.  Because anyone against me losses the 150+ and therefore they will be of limited duration.

We will control the pharmaceutical industry, creating a universal form of Obamacare, whereby all the world will have affordable healthcare, meaning longevity and economic develop, to assist us in our mission of conquering the Universe. We are talking about a world of peace and highly developed minds based on the development of the brain in a healthy body for over 150 years constantly learning.  Because time is our side, with 150 years to get it right, you have to really be fucking stupid not to catch on!

John J. Gotti gets the exception rule and gets a net worth of $200 Billion and each of the Six Families of New York City, will get $100 Billion to settle their family affairs.  The new family will be called the Gallo Family in tribute to "Crazy" Joe Gallo, who died for bringing blacks in and I had to allow it because of the timeline.  The Gallo Family will really be the Jones Family, but I refuse to taint this thing of ours with a slave name.  But every Family falls under Apostle Paul Castellano and John J. Gotti will have to operate from my central location here in Avon Park, FL.

The secret behind the Mafia was you had to pass for white even if you was Italian or Sicilian, John J. Gotti operated during the night, to not show his dark complexion. But the Gambino Family that I as Paul Castellano ran actually was more black people then Italians.  So now Queensbridge gets their own Family, that opens the doors for black people period. The purpose of the Mafia is therefore charity from this day on.  Their mission is to clean up my damn streets or they lost tier 150 years and will be of limited duration

The Crips last roll call was about 100,000 strong in 1991, whom I must settle with.  I decided the heads or their hierarchy gets $100 Billion to split and splits $200 Billion or about $2 Million per solider. The key is how I pay them.  I would like to use Prince Hall Freemasonry as a means of settling with them.  Because many of my Crips had it hard and only knew about a promise, many are homeless today and on drugs, but yet is still worth $2 million.  But for some, they have to be rehabilitated before handling that type of money.  As for those like the many West Coast personalities, who has been running things for me, that got $100 Billion to split.

The Freemasons, the Knights of Columbus and other orders of interest, must adjust to our economy based on almost all profits from major movers going to charity.  The funding that will go to non profit will become huge until every man on earth is worth $100 Billion and all of mankind is obligated to do charity with all there earnings.  For if love is charity and our duty is love, our world but be about charity above all.  Even if it mean the rich giving to the rich, because their is no poor and the only gift left to give is simply love, so be it.

For this reason, I called on an agenda to make it possible for everyone with a GED, to be able to learn to write grants and run the non profit sector and while going to school get grants and sponsorships to include stipends.  We need people in the places that need help to be able to tell us exactly what they need.  They have to come to me and not the other way around.  By learning to proper use of 501 c 3 non profit etiquette, we will understand what they need and decide on our responses. 

The current system is fine, but people in poor communities need to learn simple things like how to become a government contractor with an active SAM account.  While the current system focuses on the poor and serving the poor, but isn't designed to be for the poor by the poor to eliminate the poor.  In places like Avon Park, black people must humble themselves to white people, whenever they cannot make their bills, because blacks non profits can't get a government contract, because they don't know how to get one and this is by design. It is hard to learn how to write a grant, the education system doesn't support this. To learn to write a grant today, one must come up with at least $1,500 to gain  access to one of our State College or Community Colleges for such course, that are by design limited, thereby creating an exclusive club to gain access to this information that everyone such be able to have.  Should not we all be able to call on God?  I don't need that prayer shit, In need grant writers.

Then I will settle with my family all the way down to my cousins and once my seeds accept me and duly recognize I AM King of kings and they are my Princes and Princesses, I will decide on their settlements based on their needs.  I have to be careful with my family, because they might turn around and give my shit back to their white Jesus.

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

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