Sunday, August 31, 2014

Drugs and Getting High & the Medical Profession

Drugs and Getting High & the Medical Profession

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

I just want to cover all aspects of something I said, that it qualities in its full intent, because I speak in visions I want you to see, while not always trying to figure out what I am saying, just try to understand the pictures.

As for medical technology, people must understand that mental defects are based on physical defects to the brain. Such as birth defects and just because Satan is stupid and do  not know how to correct things like autism, spinal cord injuries, cancer and AIDS AND  because he is inferior to me, doesn't mean we can't do these things, by teaching us how.  Brain disorders due to confusion such as bipolar and schizophrenia are also often coupled with a physical problems, which could have resulted for many reasons, all the way down to what a person ate or experienced in trauma.

These things would require us to advance our technology in the areas of psychology, psychiatry and brain surgery.  Things like hypnosis by competent well trained and properly certified PHD doctors can easily handle confusion and even be used to reprogram a person to behave a certain way or not behave a certain way, solving such things as drugs addiction or being ashamed of their past and feeling guilt, causing self destructive behavior.  Brain surgery must advance to the point of being able to repair a brain as easily as we repair a broken bone and psychiatry has proven themselves incompetent in their practices on me.  Its based on fixing what a brain surgeon or psychologist cannot fix, through the introduction of drugs.  This is not rational under my healthcare system. Because I can eliminate all brain disorders without drugs.

They need new medications that serve a real purpose, which should be to deal with a person's feelings.  I took my meds for many years causing physical problems to get a feelings and not because it help me think clearer.  Therefore instead of serving the purpose I needed served, they fed me stuff that offered side effect to accomplish to goal of making me feel sedated, so I could sleep, because I never could sleep without sedation, because I am always thinking.  That is still my reality.

I have no problem with people using drugs to feel good, I like the effects of marijuana but hate the fact I have to smoke it to ingest it or pay for it.  Buying illegal drugs causes financial problems for many people.  Smoking is not the intentions of our lungs and I do not condone this as the only option, when  they have Marinol® (dronabinol) Capsules, which is FDA approved THC, only prescribed to cancer and AIDS patients because marijuana is a schedule one drug based on the DEA.  

My point is the psychiatrist should be in the make you feel good industry, which could be the way to address our illegal drug problems. The problem with drugs is we feel it is something wrong with using drugs to feel good, yet we claim it is alright to feel good. While we make people feel bad, forcing them to use dangerous shit to get high, when we should promote safe non  addictive drugs that will allow people to feel good as long as they are productive in society and serve God. And can assure their productivity by creating safe harmless ways to get them high off of chemicals for whatever reason.  Many artist have died, because of their abilities to create music and songs was tied to feeling good after a life of feeling bad and using this as a means to express their feelings, but en ding in  an overdose, because with millions of dollars we could not sell them a safe way to enjoy getting high.  Why?  Because we say it is bad to feel good off of chemicals, but should laugh at Hollywood's perversion to feel good.  That's Bullshit!  Research has to be done on how to make people feel however that want safely for recreation or stress relief, I don't care. But a drug policy the leads to death, only because someone want to feel good, but i can cure every disease, but cannot turn them on to a good high?  Even if this is non  addictive and safe?  That is Satan's way of cursing mankind.

Let my psychologist reprogram the confused, brain surgeons repair brain damages and physiatrist should just get people high safely.  People have the right to feel good as long as they do their damn jobs and not kill themselves in the process or injure that body I am investing in  to operate for 150 years.  That should be the focus of our medical professionals. To give people what they want and leave the judging of them to me.

If people got what they needed from their health insurance and there was universal healthcare for all the world, illegal drugs would cease to exist, because getting high should be free.  But instead they just screw people up with all these medications to avoid the real issue. If we are supposed to be free, why we do not have the option that is protected by the government to insure safety to all.  The right to get high off of drugs, that are created to have no side effect or any addictive nature? This I can create, but for some reason society wants to punish mankind for wanting to feel good, from getting high to having sex.  Whereby your body is your only means of having any kind of pleasure.  I think it is our duty to make life as enjoyable and lasting as possible, while getting our job done.  All work and no play will destroy this thing of ours.

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

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