Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Choice is Life with God or Death with Satan

The Choice is Life with God or Death with Satan


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


The reality of the fact is that the greatest nation on earth is broke.  And America has a lot of detrimental ties throughout the world, because America was built based on racism and condones this type of behavior worldwide.  America is partners with Israel whom are the hands of the Illuminati whom we call Satan to give him a human face.


The world was designed to reward selfishness.  We created an economy that created a huge disparity between the rich and the poor, by supporting economic planning that offered huge profits to its investors and a society of people living from check to check.  We played by their rules and won their game of monopoly.   And now it is a matter of time before the world is made to realize this.


What I am not going to do is keep fighting the same war over and over, concerning our positioning on this planet and the control of its resources.  My mind is not as small as Israel or the Illuminati and we have a vision that goes far beyond conquering earth for a period to be destroyed and all its accomplishments gone in the wind due to wars. Therefore the old ways of thinking has no place in our future.  There cannot be a bunch of gods, claiming to be the one and only god.  Allah is god, Jehovah is God, Jesus Christ is god and it goes on and on.  And we cannot have the world believe that Israel is somehow God's chosen flock and the world is screwed up for not praising them, whereby they are the actual problem. Their sole purpose is to create wars and division among mankind, because our economy is based on creating demand for them by destroying our resources.  With them come military necessities, due to hatred and division.  And I am starting to feel that Israel is not worth the costs, because all they do is cause destruction everywhere they go. It's old!


Under Satan you have many false gods and a world that will never know peace.  Why? Because the basis of their teachings is that Satan is so bad, before someone else can ever rule this world, he is so bad he will destroy the world and nobody will have anything.  Under God, there will be but one God, whose moral codes will be based on reality and not as a means of controlling people by creating self hatred among us all due to our nature to be sexual.


Under Satan you have an unethical pharmaceutical industry that is being run by an incompetent crew. Under God, we will live beyond 125 years, beyond 150 years, with a goal of eternal life.  We will do this and we will save Medicare and/or develop Universal Healthcare, throughout the world and America.  I could probably cure every disease, but if I did I might be stuck with you all and I don't know about that.


Under Satan, you receive a pipedream called heaven as described as a tale of sorts, under God, together we will continue our journey and conquer all of the universe and have access to even more assets and resources to make life for all of mankind more prosperous and we all will have abundance through less waste and more assets.  We offer mankind a new journey in space travel.  Not to go there and take over where other might already be, but to become a part of the universal community and/or create one.  Because this level of space travel cannot be barbaric as mankind is on earth.  Because to reach this level of technology, you cannot rule a world based on barbaric principles, but it would destroy itself. For example, Palestine, how long before someone gives them a suitcase nuclear bomb?  You cannot run a high tech universe based on the barbaric principles of mankind as we are.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


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