Friday, August 29, 2014

NCN Music Projects Designed to Startup Indie's

NCN Music Projects Designed to Startup Indie's


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


"Operation Solution and Response" is designed to create opportunities to generate funding to startup community based businesses.  Our targeted businesses of interest are in the music and video arts.  Our goal is to produce ownership of copyrights, to exploit these artist as non commercial volunteers.  These are the requirements to maintain non commercial and tax exempt media project.


This means if our project makes $1,000,000, our gross earnings will also be our net earnings, because our income is tax exempt.  Also this means we can gain revenue for the artist services at $21.24 per hour and as owners of the all royalties we gain a constant income revenue source.  That sounds one sided doesn't it? Then comes do this for community?  No! 


If that same artist and producers earned $1,000,000 from the same project, as corporate entity for profit Independent label, corporate taxes are between 15% and 35%, depending on how much money the corporation makes in a year.  Or $850,000 to $650,000 to pay off the crew after taxes, what they will have to split.   Then you have to ask, who would it benefit you to give this first $150,000 to $350,000 on this first project per million to, in order to get my business started.


If you understand our unique design as far as our servicing our artistic community, we recognize that we are short on cash, high on idle time and have lots of talent going unnoticed.  And we are committed to helping startup small businesses, with a focus on the PTS Movement and other record companies out there trying to get started.


Though we cannot pay them for their labor or give them the rights to songs they donate to us, we can guarantee in our contract their rights to the use of these songs when they perform,  but we get the royalties and they get the tax deduction.  Now think about it at a minimum they have to forfeit 15 cents on a dollar for every record sold in taxes and  if they make good money, it can be as much as 35 cent per dollar in taxes.  This is where our cut comes in, because we do not pay taxes.  So that 15 cents to 35 cents stay with us based on current government IRS corporate tax scales, we can do well as a non commercial system of media.


Now under the 501 c 3 public charity status, I can help people start their own business through financial supports such as materials, due to the fact that we are about building a better community, thru community redevelopment and starting up business by helping entrepreneur develop business plans and get the support needed to succeed.  These are all real expenses required to get a record company started.  And we can legally spend that other 65% to 85%, made from this project or any project on their business ventures, be it a recording studio upgrade, a tour bus or bus charter to go on tour or whatever necessary to make them become autonomous and successful.  Opposed to a big record company with an 8 year contract, to find funding to get something in music started.


And maybe one day like a scene out of the Godfather, like Frank Sinatra came to the Dom and helped him out with talent connections and show commitments.  We need operating funds and these guys need startup cash and this is how to get this done for both sides.


Continue to copyright everything in your name. Once we determine what material will be proper for this project, these songs only will be transferred to the National Community Network, INC., and part of the documentation, will be make a business plan of action to support these volunteers in their for profit professional endeavors based on needs and earners and funding amounts required.


It is legal, because they never got paid for their work, but it is attractive to them, because this will allow them to gain funding to advance their business in terms of needed equipment and so forth, as long as we can account for what is being purchased. It's a win-win proposition for any artist who wants to partake in and  support non profit non commercial media project.


Our only requirement is to help people who just need help with our earnings, from these type of arrangements.


Also: We plan to get a non profit digital website license with BMI.


The Non-Commercial Website Music Performance License is offered to any bona fide 501(C)(3) Not-For-Profit Organizations, churches, schools, or other related charitable organizations to cover the use of BMI music on their web sites.  The Non-Commercial Website License has a rate based on traffic to pages on your website, meaning we will have upgrade our capacity and will add merchandise in the future.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Paul Castellano


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