Sunday, August 23, 2015

There is Hope in Mankind

There is Hope in Mankind

By: King Jesus Paul Messiah - King of Kings Israel

I am going to level with you, I was seriously considering whacking this whole damn city and starting from scratch. Why? Because I really do not like damn near any of you. You tried to play the Son of God, who gave you everything you have. And you took everything I gave to you and placed into a storehouse, to hide it, until you could destroy the temple of God and failed. Now everything belongs to me and now you too can learn to belong to me and not that lying ass Satan whom you feared so much, you tried to destroy me so he did not destroy you and that made it so damn easy to use trickery to take everyone of you down. But lucky you I am the Son of God, whom became flesh, so that you would know I exist and therefore be able to have faith in God.

To keep it simple. I and the Father are one, he really hears my prays is true, but not the main objective of informing you of my Father & Son Relationship in oneness with Spirit of God. To keep it people as they say now, if I can only do the Father's will, he say do it, I have no choice, but it always ends in truth and success. I never lose now do I? Because the Father is all knowing and the Son walks by faith and executes the Father's will knowing only one thing, I and the Father are one, he cannot forsaken me and for you to destroy the Son, must not the Father cease to exist also? Now do you think for one moment, that the Father who know everything, is all knowing and knows you thought before you even think it, is suicidal? God forbids suicide at all cost. See? Why worry about it I am preordained, cannot die and I am Immortal and can make you like me, but never will I reduce myself to a damn Serpent. You should be ashamed of your damn selves, instead of having a attitude. But that what Satan made you a damn animal and I am the Savior and only team in town manufacturing testicles, I will share the blue-prints to transplant techniques.

The testicle based on research tells me one need one testicle to make a baby, it just has to be on the right side, not literally but figuratively. The transplant only requires the proper blood type and advance organ donor, recipient matching processes. This means I can mass produce, based on blood-type and demand.

How Much? I should tax you stupid asses. But this one is on me, it will be free with most health insurance in an universal insured nation. Meaning you are insured even if you are not insure, but come to my hospital not registered even Medicaid and have a serious problem, I will fix you up. And then dog your monkey ass out. Get health insurance and I am taxing the United States 10% of the GDP to for Universal Healthcare and when you stop getting sick the price will be 10% of the GDP. That is my incentive to get the cures out quickly and get paid anyway and do nice things to make people be loved. Like free food at hospitals or food stamps at Burger King with 100% food stamp to buy at restaurants, medical marijuana paid for also by even Medicaid. But you'd rather suffer at the mercy of Satan, but not on my watch anymore.

That is it on a nut shell, you need a lot of damn testicle transplants and cornered the market, because I did not share this information with you. Yet I did this successfully over 45 years ago at age 11.
Now the main point. Mess with my family again and I am no going to be so forgiving. OK, this is my decision. I understand the Consummation ties us to the Warranty Deed of all of Manhattan. We now know Queen Rainbowlike Eve II, is a spirit and the Queen of the Lost Tribe of Manhattan. I requested specific arrangements and explained my procedure which I will share.

In awareness of your 144,000 virgin Serpents ready to rock and roll on God who has over 1.4 million. In awareness the you concern of my announcement was not of historical relevance, but an attempt to steal my seed claiming Rene "Satan" Hitler. I will issue a certificate that will look like this one, but only after my whole family is in one place safe and we all know who each of them are. I have 12 Queens and 1 Queen of Queens Janet.
We being the Father, Son nd Queen will witness the time to the nearest 10th of an hour.

The Birth Certificate of a Spirit Child of God

To: The National Community Network, INC.
From: The Order of Zews
Date: 21 August 2015
Time: Between 9:00 PM and 11:59 PM
Actual Time: Witnessed by the Father, the Son and Queen Rainbowlike Eva II
Actual Time: Release date within 6 months of Physical Birth
The Spirit Seed: Lord of Lords Jesus Paul Messiah - King of Kings Israel
Conception womb: Queen Rainbowlike Eva II - Queen of Manhattan

Birth Place:

Manhattan Address

New York, New York, Zip Code

This special event was witnessed by three being the Father the Son and the Queen and thereby set forth all requirements to the birth rights of the Manhattan Island to King Jesus Paul Messiah and all members of The Great Queendom of Jesus Paul Messiah, the original landlord that was stolen from the Lost Tribe of Israel and the true authorized settlers of the Foundation Rock of Manhattan.

And therefore granting Eternal Sex rights to the King from Queen Rainbowlike Eva II and therefore ascending my Eternal Princess to Queendom-hood and always granting the 13 Tribes of Israel all rights of citizenship in the Holy Land and with the Spirit of God with us, may we also inherit eternal life in our Lord and Savior in holiness.
Upon official release of birth records to the public, the Spiritual name will be revealed with sex and weight at birth, but not the preordination, if so be set-forth.

Jesus Paul Messiah - King of Kings and Lords of Lords.

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