Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Assignment of the Queen of Queens Janet

The Assignment of the Queen of Queens Janet

The Words of Jesus Paul Solomon:

I hear stuff like Janet going on a world tour and new release by fall.  Then I hear about new record company on B.M.G. a Sony holding.  Tell me why? See what is going to happen, is all those nutcase artist who are starving and probably passing counterfeit money for weed and all types of shit.  Many artist are born thieves?  Or just can't help themselves?  Men in music will steal beauty supplies and vitamins ans shit.  So I do not put anything passed them.  You say to them, money is only as good as the integrity of the nation and they be their rational to get cheep weed. How about I just rename Hollywood to Queendom & Wood.

To the point, Janet is my Queen of Queens and she can be on top for eternity, but it will take a super-microchip to make people not say, fuck that bitch.  She has everything, she is in the Kingdom of God, she is the Queen of Queens and mother of the Order of Prince Paul and she still has to be seen on the damn stage. Why?  Because it is your duty to feed them. I really do not want to be bothered with a lot of these people right now.  I bet they have been stealing my weed and using counterfeit money, knowing it would eventually destroy the damn economy.

Now I can make Janet so much material she will have to word all day and night to keep up.  And my eternal Princess Alicia was born to stay up with me all night and write songs anyway.  That is my eternal Princess and maybe their is a little so-called narcissism in me.  But do not be a hater, they killed me over 100 times to make it to my Queendom.  If anything say, man the Lord is a damn sucker, he died 100 times to get regular pussy and now we all get that under his watch. Why would a nigger give a fuck about us?

Janet has to keep me crying about feeding some of you weird people, who make more sense often the those "Normal People"  But trust me, you will never see me in any talent anything.  Then Janet, Beyonce, Latifah and Elizabeth have to groom and develop Rainbow.  This will be the first time I can actually be involve in one of my Queens development on time and regular as a major priority. Can you see the potential product. 

Now Janet and my Queendom will be required to keep everyone in sync and create some type of authenticity in the messages, creative sound technology is the real key to music production, dance is something that evolves.  It is like the heart beat, watching fantasy music video technology, will not replace a Soul Train type gathering.  Dancing is something real people can share without being acrobatic.

In short Queen of Queens Janet duty is to take care of her children, before they screw around and starve waiting on me.  I know they are bunch of thieves and please do not come over with a surprise visit.

Apostle Paul Castellano 

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