Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Farrakhan Corruption Response

The Farrakhan Corruption Response


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ


The Rules of the Streets:


1: FDA THC will be made available with any health insurance, to include Medicaid.


2: We will sell all street drugs nationwide and the only drug currently approved by me is marijuana. To insure the integrity of the market that will not be legal but decriminalized, until federal law is passed to insure fair distribution at all level of marijuana enterprising, I will control all street marijuana nationwide, to insure proper pricing at all times. This shit become real cheap and not a new problem of not being affordable.


3: I will not allow people to grow it without a license. But many who are now disenfranchised will be able to get a license with a  priority, due to their expertise in the area of growing it and selling it. Why give contracts to people without experience?


To be enforced by the Crips and Bloods and managed by the six families of New York City.  Who will report to me!


Shut Down Highlands County:


This is what happened, this click in Highlands County, joined together to sell me out to be drug dealers.  Bottom line. That is their power, because they have no brains.


Immediately close down all drug operations across the country. You can begin on South Delaney Avenue, Avon Park, FL.  Close down all these illegal shops.  Not one is a real business.  Make them sell these spots before we film "Everybody has Demons."  Give them face value or less and a offer they cannot refuse. This place is not big enough for both of us anymore.  They are all drug fronts. 


I want my nephew Anthony Williams to have authority to assign workers on Delaney Avenue.  Only Delaney Avenue and the Beachfront which I want opened, will allow marijuana sales until the FDA THC and medical marijuana legalization nationwide.


These are the only two places where marijuana can be sold in Avon Park. And no other drugs will be allowed own my streets anymore. If I was them, Hilton, Hicks, Hardy, Boright, Davis Poole family members involved or top supporters, I would move back to Sandersville, GA.


Anyone who violates these rules, will hope they get caught before we catch them. And if it is allowed, somebody will answer to me for allowing after I just closed these scum bags down. They need to learn respect!


My Orders:


1: Everyone on South Delaney Avenue will donate their property without any taxes due to our organization, as a tax deductible gift. I hope they got a stash.


2: Freeze all Nation of Islam assets and all of Louis Farrakhan personal assets. He can move into the projects in the Bronx.  I want my house back to.  Maybe Muhammad Ali needs a better place here stateside. Farrakhan settlement is shame until natural death. He gets treated worst than he treated Michael J. Jackson, who he claimed he came protect?


3: I want the newspapers to follow him the rest of his days.  And under such conditions  he will live until he dies.  I will do everything to keep him alive, but he will rather just die.  He cannot handle what he pitched out. Maybe I might create him a heroin habit and support it long enough to make him act like the animal he really is.


4: Pay the Royal Empire Invest Corp Trustee:  $300G and pay the taxes as a part of the deal.  I know everything went through and was agreed upon, when I see these taxes PAID up.  And my job becomes possible to complete. I cannot operate without a budget.


Things to do immediately:


1: Remove Farrakhan & close down the Nation of Islam at federal level


2: Remove the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church


3: New Church The Emancipated Church - Under my authority and ran by my international clergy.  First two appointments Muhammad Ali and Jesse Jackson.


4: Close down all drug operations but marijuana and monopolize it.  Nobody makes money on  drugs anymore but me in this country, until it is legalized. If I do not sell it, it will not be sold. That will end the attraction to betrayal.


5: Decide on Eric Holder


6:Give me a better quality of life, to allow me to prepare my organization and find help. I have a $131G that cost me about $300 per month to not use?  This is what they had prepared for me?  Now they need to decide where they are going to live. Because people are going to wakeup and everything and every conversation they had, is going to take on a different meaning. I'd hate to be in  their position. Talking about hate crimes?  Something that could be prevented if they just leave, before it is too late. They are evil people, who did evil to a lot of people, who just do not understand what they did yet.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ



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