Monday, September 8, 2014

Acceptance of Illuminati Declaration of Surrender

Acceptance of Illuminati  Declaration of Surrender

By: The Emancipator of Many Names:

I want to announce a victories journey to mankind's ascension.  The Illuminati voluntary surrender to the  Emancipator of the world.  Thereby all assets are now under our control for the good of mankind and the huge secret amount in cash revenues, to be known as the war chest of the Armageddon has been secured to be released to the world. Not only preventing the bloodshed he set into motion meaning his own destruction, but a domino effect that would destroy all of mankind.  In the 11th hour he was revealed and all power he has lost.

As a child being born of parents of a Christian faith, my mother naturally equated my gifts that was an anomaly but I was not the first, related my gifts to her Christian faith and figured maybe my son is God.  I was taken to the Jews, who not only rejected me, but kept me to a distance. Whatever I was told I was, they were not his chosen people, I knew they were lairs.  I guess because of how she was living, next I was taken to the Mafia under Dom Carlo Gambino.  They saw money and a future of true power and we made a pact.  I became Paul Castellano the Son of Dom Carlo Gambino.  And from that day, I ruled over the Mafia thru a system from John J. Gotti to him.

In 1975 we faked my mother's death, that she could enjoy life.  Or she would have had to mistreat me, because for our operation to be successful, I had to always seem poor.  In 1976 Dom Carlo Gambino died and Big Paul Castellano by pretending he was me, became Dom of the Gambino Crime Family.  In September 1985, a meeting was held to settle this dispute, who was the real Dom?  Meanwhile my Queensbridge crew, my government connection and nationwide network was structured.  But I was told be silent if he stands.  I bit my tongue and said nothing.  Two things happened, I got kick out the Army for AWOL and Big Paul Castellano's fate was decided.  I mean for one he just took my Supermarket chain Western Beef and my control of the empire I built while I was developing our government obligations.  In Dec. 16th, 1985 he was whacked and Dom John J. Gotti became the person who connected to me for information and instructions and he carried them out well.

Understand as a conclusion we discovered, while Big Paul was playing big shot, we no longer needed to risk our men in drug trafficking, because we created the direct contact to the head of the Illuminati. When the true understanding of fulfilling of bible prophesy is released. The true understanding the bible will be shocking to many but know the ending was better than anyone could have imagine, because even is begging for the right to praise the Emancipator. But I do not know if I want that.

On June 1971 the illuminati became my highest level employees. How?  Richard Nixon declared a war on drugs and in July 1973 formed the DEA. But who is the really the DEA?  The diabolical scheme that led to the Illuminati destruction was the war on drug, based on marijuana being a schedule one drug and a useless poison without any fact to base this on.  What people did not know is the DEA ran a drug ring, making the Drug Cartels or overpaid Farmers take the blame.  Not until the war on drug was decided  was their a demand for cocaine, because they created it and not until after the DEA was formed was there any of this sophisticated tunnels, that was built by the DEA. Richard Nixon was the crook who sold out the Illuminati making him actually a good man.  But as of that day they were may employees under the office of the President.

In 1976-77 my first recollection of dealing with George H. W. Bush was the creation of AIDS.  In 1991 I got mad and threatened him and got 2 weeks in the hospital and then was sent to California to organize the Crips while pretending it was to see my Queens of Queens Janet Jackson.  My great accomplishment was Star Wars Technology or our national nuclear umbrella. 

The Illuminati was a diabolical order, beyond your imagine of Satan. I had to pretend I was their God to rule over them in order to take them down. This meant all the things you have seen in the last 50 years. Because to get hired, I had to have the right resume.  They will become one order under one interpretation and the requirement is not preconceived notions and we do not believe in any religion on earth or God.  And I AM Godlike.

The Single Order of The Emancipated Freemasons will be based on the journey of the Emancipator of the World.  The conditions are that you duly recognize that what mankind has come to believe about God is a lie. For mankind does not know God and as a condition of the Surrender agreement, this will become common knowledge of mankind the formerly the Order of illuminati or Satan created every religion on earth, every language and every secret society of man and every name of God to include the fictitious term God they describe, all making man submissive to him based on superstitions. We realize however, the presumption of a God is rational, we know mankind does not know him, because every God mankind has come to know was created by Satan.  He secret code was his hatred of the black race. That was his weakness.  For he would allow any business enterprise to profit as long as it harmed Africans.

What was going on is the institution of this government is based on racism. The African was never freed in reality and the true law of the land who was the Illuminati right to oppress and to destroy the black race.  This is what I had to represent to them, while George H. W. Bush actually ran Washington D.C. under the Reagan Administration, his Administration, the Clinton Administration, his son's Administration and the Obama Administration, who placed their to end this. We ran him. The DEA was nothing but the Illuminati move to control drugs  without a middle man and they took down the Mafia in the 1980's. John J. Gotti was the last known Dom in the 1990's, but all along we ran the White House since around that time, but the only way to stay long enough to expose them, we had to play by their rules.  Meaning dog out black people, the better we did it, the more they gave us the power to do more.

AIDS, the Drug war, the fraudulent health industry, wars after wars, black oppression and disenfranchisement, you name it, I had to do it to you, to make them work for me. However, the plan was the battle of Armageddon, if you understand just the last wars costs over $4.4 trillion, what they had set aside?  It was of course tied to me, meaning a black man was Satan who caused all this destruction and takes the blame.  I am I am black Bozo right? Wrong?  But I knew what had to be done was subconsciously known.

I requested a sleeping pill, by asking for a  FDA approved drug called Marinol®. I noticed the clinical research was in 2004 under the George W. Bush Administration. What it proved is the war on drugs is a fraud, they knew marijuana was a miracle that was not addictive or you cannot overdose off of it. If it was to hit the market it would have ended the drug war longs ago, destroy our fraudulent pharmaceutical market and drive down healthcare costs.   The pharmaceutical market is only designed to make you pay them to slowly kill you in misery.  When my VA doctor said know,  I didn't take that for an answer to only find out that marijuana is the secret behind this illegal drug war ran directly by our President's discretion thru us. 

The drug war is a huge conspiracy. If anyone would have force my issue they would have had them killed.  Because this research proves that every president of the United States since Richard Nixon is guilty of treason, but they really didn't. Because they all ran a DEA they are mere drug dealers, using Mexican Farmers as a front and every act was about corruption, mistreating blacks and making the world miserable.  I realized it was Satan I came to save, that we will be able to show you the truth to Zews nation who was totally lost.  If I didn't stop him from self-destruction, the Zews would have never listened. Plus they were blind as were those they victimized yet they are my doctors, lawyers and accountants. But now they will help me teach the blind the truth so all of humanity can grow together in unity, prosperity and longevity.  Why? They too was hoodwinked in to a life of misery in search of company which is what the world was to become for all of humanity.   Armageddon overted!

The Emancipator of Many Names


  1. Join illuminati - Freemason online today, to meet your demand and acquire wealth, power, protection and influence, we are looking for new recruit’s to spread the enlightenment of our organization. we do not represent evil nor do we worship devil. we do not advocate violence or harm against anyone. The Illuminati it a group of enlightened individuals whose focus is to spread truth, knowledge and enlightenment. we advocate peace and only exits for the betterment of mankind .if you TRULY seek to become member of the Illuminati then please follow the simple steps below for consideration into our organization WhatsApp Number +393511315961

  2. Be a member of the great Illuminati and
    become rich and famous . Are you seeking for wisdom and knowledge ? Are you a business Man / woman , Pastor, politician , musician, doctor , footballer , student ? Do you want to be a famous artist or an actor e t.c ) and you want to be rich, powerful and famous in the world ? join us today, to get money, fame, powers, security, get recognized in your business, political race, rise to the top in whatever you do, be protected spiritually and physically!. if you are interested, let's chat on Google Hangouts for more Info: or WhatsApp number +2348054518396

  3. Esta es una invitación abierta para todos los usuarios que forman parte de la organización más grande del mundo y se mueven a la cima de su negocio. Una medida que evalúa el programa de ejecución de este año y la nueva fiesta de reunión anual está asociada con el hermano.
    El Gran Maestro nos da el mandato de contratar a las personas que usan, quienes aprueban esta oportunidad y usan la gran organización Illuminati, usan una nueva unidad global.

    1. Una recompensa efectiva de USD $ 500,000 USD
    2. Un nuevo Elegant Dream CAR valorado en USD $ 20,000 USD
    3. Una casa de puntaje compuesto en el país de elección.
    4. Un mes de vacaciones (totalmente pagado) en el destino turístico de sus hijos.
    5. Paquete de memoria de golf de un año
    6. Un tratamiento V.I.P en todos los aeropuertos del mundo 7. Una tarifa de estilo de vida total 8. Acceso a Bohemian Grove
    9. Pague mensualmente $ 2,000,000 a la cuenta bancaria cada mes como mes
    10. Cotizaciones por un mes con los 5 mejores líderes mundiales y las 5 mejores celebridades del mundo.

    Los Illuminati no tienen asociación con el satanismo, el luciferismo o la religión religiosa. Si hay más de un millón de personas que siguen un código de calidad que se ejecuta, operamos únicamente para el beneficio y la protección de la especie humana.

    ¿Aceptan el nuevo pedido mundial de Illuminati?
    Llamado y WhatsApp 18027153366
