Monday, September 29, 2014

Open Letter to Israel

Open Letter to Israel

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

I listened to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speak before the United Nations. First of all, I know you are Zionist.  I know that the land of Hebrew is called Egypt today. Why, because your diabolical master the German Reich and you know who you speak for, changed the calendar and rewrite the world's map, that the world would believe the lie about your bloodline.  All made up bullshit!  Either you are Hebrew and have been transformed by Satan into some crazy shit like Farrakhan or you are  member of the Illuminati and came out of Austria, which is your headquarters location.

We have your demon Lucifer trapped over here.  Everybody knows he is nothing but a racist devil.  But you preach the same line of bullshit.  Your right to defend what you stole based on a damn lie?  We  the world outside Europe all know for certain this is a line of bullshit.  We refuse to continue to play pretend.  You are at most Satan's chosen people.  I can see for certain regardless of who you are or came from, like Demon Lucifer Farrakhan and his so-called Nation of Islam.  Our enemy isn't white or black, but racial hatred regardless and this is what you'll harbor. Islam is being set up by the German's and you are a player. Radical Islam you say, Farrakhan says the nation of Islam and there is nothing Islamic about either of you.  You'll are Nazi's.  Say it for what it is, we have a problem with these Nazi people trying to hold on to what they have no longer the power to control. You included. Are you like Farrakhan just a house nigger?

What?  I have to pay your bills, while you talk of not America, but Israel as the next New World Order as a means for peace?  We have to do business with you Jewish asses to have peace on earth?  Or what you will create another ISIS?  Is that what you are selling? And by whose authority ours?  But your interest is that of Europe and Germany and Britain and not us. We are just a meal ticket and bunch of dummies playing pretend with you, as if you are someone you are really not.


1:  We call on Russia, China and America to jointly place the burden of security as an International issue concerning Iran.  We will grant Iran the authority to build a nuclear bomb. Or better yet sell them one, it will save time.  You attack Iran, America, China and Russia and any nation in  the middle east has authority to attack you.  Blow up the Middle East, fine, Europe will starve we are covered. We have enough oil until we can produce hydrogen fuel. You will not hold us hostage with our weaponry.

2: It is  clear the enemy is war. We all have demons from the past.  But any nation who accepts one God, one God world Order has already been forgiven.  I call on a peaceful solution for Syria leaving  Bashar al-Assad in power.  However, all social and economic issues must be resolved.  I say we can allocate at least $1-$2 trillion towards supports that that will allow a peaceful transition.

Israel & Palestine Peace Treaty: Israel is evil and will never allow peace or stop playing games. Their plan is all the world trade through them.  We can create a military build-up in Africa to remove European occupation. But this occupation we created and it is not working out.

They will always start shit up, that is who they are.

1: We can attack them.

2: We can allow them to bully the Middle east until we give them all the business in the region.

3: We can locate nuclear bombs in Iran as a deterrent, stop all military aid an create a balance of power. I think once they release they cannot start anything up they will just leave and go home.

The peace talk are old. We do not want to talk about it anymore. We just assume make better friends who really want peace and not the perpetuation of lies.

He who is without sin, cast the first stone!  Israel doesn't count.

Thank you,

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

PS: Being I AM God and therefore you are disloyal or a fraud.  Funk you, it is my way or the fucking highway. I always wanted a reason to fuck you up about 9/11 anyway.

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