Monday, October 8, 2018

Open Letter to the World

                                                      Elijah Muhammad is me at age 10
Open Letter to the World
From: Chaka Mosi Kamanu Zulu = DBA Jesus Christ - The Reverend Frank Paul Jones - The Messiah
Date: 8 Oct. 60 ABC
RE: Is Love a lie?
I was in the early grade school?  And the teacher asked each of us, what you want to be when you grow up?  The first child said a Police Officer, yay-yay, good career.  The second, I want to be a fireman.  Wow, great benefits.  The third, I want to be the first black president.  What the hell?  Maybe a mayor, haa?  No, I want to be the first black president. Oh. Well, I guess you can be anything you want to be if you put your mind to it, but the mind is a terrible thing to waste on dreams child.  Then my turn came, Frank what are you going to me when you grow up.  I AM going to be God, because everybody loves God.  Oh, oh, Lord oh, Lord, are you serious?  All the other kids started to mumble, oh, you God, oh, you God, you crazy, you God.  Before I knew it, I had more enemies then the hairs on my head.
By time I was 15 years old, I was beat so bad, they tried to beat me to death, bricks on my head, stumping me and saying where is Elijah Paul?  Then at the brink of death, I said, you cannot touch me anymore.  There was two other kids with me, Raymond and Wilson.  As in aka Raymond Hood and Keith Wilson.  I was born fertile. 
I remember saying to them, if I fall, we will all fall together and when I get back up, we will all get back up together.  I was so tired, I could not walk a whole block from the 40th side of Vernon Blvd to the 41st side of tenth street. It was as if, I had to catch my breath over and over along the way/
We made it to 41-03 10th street.  Both Raymond and Wilson was healed.  Their bruises disappeared. But I was bruised up really bad. I called 3 black eyes, from my nose being broken.  See, after they crucified me, at 15 years old in 1974, they left us for dead.  But there was only one set of foot prints To leave that grass and it was mines.  So the next day, when they  saw them, they said, no it could not be those two.  I guess someone came and got the corpse.  Raymond eyes was a little red and they was told he was sleeping and was up last night.  Wilson, basically the same, he knew they had to see him, but he was still injured to some degree and they both managed to allude the thugs.
For many years, these thugs spoke about things in front of them, not knowing they were my sons, whom they also tried to kill the night of my crucifixion. Then a guy named Mark Saint John, yelled out, hell no, he has to suffer, because he did not give up the Spirit.  But he knew he did not qualify to receive me.  He had no genitals. Phil:3:2
They sentence me to perpetual humiliation and extended it to the Spiritual World. The Beulah of Highlands Chapter 31.  Perpetual    humiliation to the Spirit World.  So, it was written, They hated you, because they hated me first.  Hate Crime File: # D.O.J. 3704895.  These files document the hatred toward me and my children from the beginning even before I was conceived. Perpetual the number is 8 = 4+4 = 44 years, 15 + 44 = 59 year old, I AM 59 years old now plus a few months.  They did all they could do to me, yet the hatred seems to never end.
Is love a Lie?  Here I AM alone in this world. Not one of my children call me by my name or title or at all.  I never see any of them, I AM always thrown in detention a psychiatric ward and never with any of them.  The only time I see them is when the Satanic GAY Mod allows them some space.  I heard they are or some of them are being held at the Econo Lodge, meaning I cannot rent a room in there.  I sleep ina homeless shelter where I AM fed corn flacks for breakfast and geens and bowl of soup for dinner and out out by 0600 hours. As they say, it is not fare I have everything, yet I have not even a pot to piss in.
So, I gained the world?  Oh, so now they are ready to just hand it over to the rightful owner?  So, then what will I gain, if they a;ll of a sudden show up saying Daddy.  See?  They will call them all prostitutes.  Yea man, we had those whores, when we had the loot, he got nothing but a bunch of bitches looking for a nigger with the loot.  Man fuck those whores.  And because of this, it seems to all be losing its luster.
Chaka Mosi Kamanu Zulu
PS: I might head South to Mexico. I’d rather live in the woods in a hut and have love, than in a Condo arguing over who has the best rims on the BMW.  They can keep it and them. The hell with this world

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