Tuesday, November 11, 2014

When I Know It is Time to Let Go!

When I Know It is Time to Let Go!

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

Yesterday, we got 3 computers fixed.  I got angry with my nephew Dahoud and my head just became under pressure, because I was so upset.  Why? Because I was trying to accomplish, destroying my computer.  I wanted the technicians to replace my hard-drive and install Windows 7 Pro OP, among other things. I did not explain why.  They decided to save me money and I still ended up spending $228, from $550. But nothing was changed.  I got the same computer back but just with everything working.

I wanted to install a new operating system. Which would have made this hard drive, bootlegged in any other computer to include this one.  I could have went to D.C. and handed them my hard drives and worked out of the laptop in D.C. But instead, I AM leaving too soon and I still have this computer intact.  My first response was to just give him t3e damn computer, but his friends will use and I could be compromised and I can have his computer we fixed by tomorrow if not tonight. So I will take my computer to D.C. with me.

Just to show you my short fuse, even with people I love.  I know they are trying to medicate me because of this short fuse and my need to be able to compromise, while in Washington D.C., which is the nature of my visit. They need me for high science like Ebola and AIDS research and I realize I will never have peace on earth, dealing with certain people.  I know man is calling on science and not Jesus and always did.  I know  my people are in D.C. and then West to California.  I know, I really want to enjoy the beach with my women in bikinis and care less about Israel or Iran, nukes or no nukes, peace or war, will not effect me at all.

I know the VA, the DOD and other institutions owe me a lot of money, to allow me to do so many things for so many people.  But turn darkness to light in evil mankind?  I just o not have the time or energy anymore. I have not the will.           Meanwhile my niece thinks she is God's gift to mankind and want to start another false religion, this time the God of the Native American. I got so angry, I was ready to curse the Cherokee Americans for some more time.  I know it is time for me to move on. I am starting to hate what was always allowed, lies!

My album was not released, because lost communications and just that fast, we are building up in ISIS and so  much evil. But if you saw the world out of my eyes, you would hate evil also.  Most wrong things are allowed and most right things are not allowed in this world. We fight wars over lies like does Israel really exist?  Of course not, we all know!  But we debate over Iran having a nuke as if we are safe in the hands of the Zionist Israel, who will be destroyed one day soon and I will not rescue the Evil ones of the Middle East, being all of them.  Arabs in Islam is a  lie as a response to a lie called Jews in Israel.  So no side is right and all are ready to fight to the last man, so who AM I to get in the way. Just leave us alone in Washington D.C. and California.


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